We know that there has been no time in the history of humanity in which animate matter existed and produced only conditions favorable to its existence, without any damage to the environment. Therefore, I agree that changing the relationship of man to the environment must be considered a task of prime importance, because it makes no sense to live and not believe in the possibility that the conditions of life can be improved. It is absolutely essential that all efforts be made - which depends on us - to see that social conditions and, consequently, the biological conditions of life on earth favor life and promote peace on earth - not war, not mutual extermination. The entire history of the past was based on the extermination and suppression of the weak. On the other hand, the theory of Marxism-Leninism holds that it is possible and necessary to create conditions under which life would be continued, but not at the expense of weaker or more poorly organized neighbors. Conditions must be created that favor joint and friendly existence.