Arising out of the heightened sensory perceptions of extended lockdown, this creative investigation began with contemplation of flowering street-trees. Through 262 days of lock down, residents of Melbourne retreated to the hyper-local, often reinforced by a 5-km travel bubble and a one-hour daily time limit outdoors. The sublime ephemeral springtime flowers of street-trees were amplified by the extreme sensory and social constraints of social distancing. Drawing us into a suspended moment of slow encounter, we attuned to the contained glowing pulse of plants. The works were created using photogrammetry, a technique for generating 3D models from a large set of photographs taken from all angles of the botanical specimen. Whilst the point-cloud models remain the central artefact of vegetal/digital, it has been presented in a range of formats throughout 2022–23, including multichannel video loops, augmented reality, webXR, gestural interactive works and still prints. This work invites an embodied experience of attuning to both the vegetal and the digital. This is consistent with my alignment with queer and autistic politics, of siding with the object. Increasingly, queer cultural practices are employing new materialism and posthumanism to interrogate the agency of things and the culturally constituted hierarchies of objects and subjects. The reconfiguration of embodied relations is necessary in order to reconceive a viable future.