Once upon a time, a scholar, ascetic and relig-ious man named Abu
Hamid Ibn Muhammad Ibn Muhammad al-Tusi al-Shafi'i al-Ghazali
(AI-Ghazali, 1058-11 II) wrote a worl, called The Incoherence qf the Philosophers,
1\ clever philosopher, Abu AI-\Valid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad
Ibn Hushd (Averroes, 112li-1 ID8), responded to this by writing The IlIcolurence
(!l the Inroherence. In IVhat is Art;;, Tolstoy refers to the importance
of art in order to ridicule itl He notes the attention paid to art,
music, theatre, filrn, and books in the press. IIe notes the in\'(~stment of
gm'ernments in the support of museums, theatres and the like. He notes
the time spent by artists and perlilrmers in learning- their craft. He presents
the most sardonic description of an opera rehearsal you will ever
read. He describes the eHilrt and money poured into art as "stupefying",
"repulsive", "a gigantic absurdity", and "utterly incomprehensible".~
I-Imv can art be so important that a peasant should have to sell his only
cow to pay the taxes that maintain the artist-producer in grand luxury~