The last decade has seen the dawn of a technological development towards a wireless-networked world. Various mobile interfaces have started to appear like laptop computer, PDA, mobile phone, Blueberry. The zenith of this development is the full distribution of computation and networks into every aspect of our life. Everything will become an interface, from a cup to a shirt. Wireless networks and multifarious interfaces will blend invisibly into our everyday life and environment. This emerging infrastructure and its significant impact on our life provide new conditions for artistic practice. What kind of artworks and art forms are emerging from this situation? How does this technological development reflect on artistic practice? The ideas from the late 1960s and early 1970s art theory about immateriality seem to be a promising starting point. They are relevant to contemporary artists working with digital technologies. These artists are employing a new set of forms and media, which are increasingly immaterial. The nature of art and objects, how we relate to and read them, has changed. This paper is an investigation into immateriality versus materiality mainly focusing on mobile art. It looks at the situation from the viewpoint of an artist a maker and thinker of things and objects. The text is divided into four sections. The first section introduces few cases, which have been concerned about immateriality in art from the recent 40 years of art history. The second section talks about artistic practices, which focus on mobile art and mobile technologies. The third section is about transformation of objects, and the text ends with an assumption about the role of the artist.