We describe a class of MV-algebras which is a natural generalization of the class of "algebras of continuous functions". More specifically, we're interested in the algebra of frame maps $Hom_{\scr{F}}(\Omega (A),\text{K})$ in the category $\scr{F}$ of frames, where A is a topological MV-algebra, Ω(A) the lattice of open sets of A, and K an arbitrary frame. Given a topological space X and a topological MV-algebra A, we have the algebra C(X, A) of continuous functions from X to A. We can look at this from a frame point of view. Among others we have the result: if K is spatial, then C(pt(K), A), pt(K) the points of K, embeds into $Hom_{\scr{F}}(\Omega (A),\text{K})$ analogous to the case of C(X, A) embedding into $Hom_{\scr{F}}(\Omega (A),\Omega (X))$