New York, NY, USA: Barnes and Noble Press (
The Requiem of Apathy and Sorrow is a philosophical journey to a happier, more meaningful life. The author, Zachary A. Behlok, has put forth what he believes to be a simple way to improve day-to-day life for both the reader, as well as those affected by their attitude's and actions.
Happiness is an aspect on life that we cannot truly put a definition on, as it differs by each individual's own personality, experiences, and expectations. With just a little change in the right direction, we can bring ourselves closer to our ideas of perfection or serenity.
Within this book, you will be met with questions on the meaning of your life, scenarios that you can relate to your own experiences, comparisons between different beings, and much more. Basing his work off of many philosophical leaders before him, but with his own twist, Behlok hopes to show the readers that an easy life may not necessarily be easy - it will however be worthwhile, and the steps taken towards it may be some of the most impactful that you may take.
There are some debatable topics within this text, and the author has hit on them with an unbiased, judgement-free manner in which the reader may then take and interpret in whichever way best suits them and their own respective lifestyle.
In simplicity, this is just a text written in an attempt to improve lives - we can all achieve what we want to, so much as we try. If you want to better your life, and that of those around you, this will be worth a read.