Books Reviewed in this Article: Looking for Philosophy. By F. E. Sparshott. Pp. 171, Toronto, McGill‐Queen's University Press, 1972, $8.50. Proceedings of the Aristotelean Society, Vol. 73. Pp. 251, London, Methuen, 1973, £4.00. The Aristotelean Society, Supplementary Vol. 47. Pp. v, 225, London, Methuen, 1973, £3.00. Plato: The Written and Unwritten Doctrines. By J. N. Findlay. Pp. xiv, 484, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974, £7.75. Plato. By J. C. B. Gosling. Pp. viii, 319, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973, £4.95. Platonic Studies. By Gregory Vlastos. Pp. xvi, 437, Princeton, Princeton University Press. 1973. £9.30. Aristotle: New light on his life and on some of his lost works. By Anton‐Hermann Chroust. Two volumes, pp. xxvi, 437, xx, 500, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973, £8.50 each volume, £16.00 the two‐volume set. A bibliography of George Berkeley. Second edition. By T. E. Jessop. With inventory of Berkeley's manuscript remains by A. A. Luce. Pp. xx, 155, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1973, no price given. The Philosophy of the Enlightenment. By Lucien Goldmann. Pp. ix, 100, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973, £1.50. G. W. F. Hegel: An Introduction to the Science of Wisdom. By Stanley Rosen. Pp. xxii, 302, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1974, £5.60. Hegel et la pensée philosophique en Russie 1830–1917. By Guy Planty‐Bonjour. Pp. viii, 343, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1974, Fl. 69. Nietzsche, By R. J. Hollingdale. Pp. xii, 225, London and Boston, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973, £3. 00, £1.50. The Civilization of Experience, A Whiteheadian Theory of Culture. By David L. Hall. Pp. xv, 240, New York, Fordham University Press, 1973, no price given. The Prose for God. Religious and Anti‐Religious Aspects of Imaginative Literature. Edited by Ian Gregor and Walter Stein. Pp. x, 169, London, Sheed and Ward, 1973, £3.60. The Remaking of Christian Doctrine. By Maurice Wiles. Pp. 150, London, SCM Press, 1974, £2.50. Amt und Eucharistie. Edited by Peter Bläser. Pp. 255, Paderborn, Verlag Bonifacius‐Druckerei, 1973, DM. 14.80. But Deliver Us from Evil. By John Richards. Pp. x, 244, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1974, £2.85. Hellenistic Magic and the Synoptic Tradition. By John M. Hull. Pp. xii, 192. London, SCM Press, 1974, £2.80. The Nature of New Testament Theology. By Robert Morgan. Pp. 196, London, SCM Press, 1973, £2.50. Introduction to the Bible. By John H. Hayes. Pp. xvi, 515, London, SCM Press, 1973, £2.95. The Last Twelve Verses of Mark. By William R. Farmer. Pp. xii, 124, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1974, £3.00. Studien zum Alttestamentlichen Hintergrund des Johannesevangeliums. By Günter Reim. Pp. xiii, 308, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1974, £5.90. Paul's Intercessory Prayers. By Gordon P. Wiles. Pp. xii, 351, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1974, £7.20. Understanding Jewish Theology. Edited by Jacob Neusner. Pp. x, 280, New York Ktav Publishing House, 1973, no price given. A Jewish Theology. By Louis Jacobs. Pp. xi, 342, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1974, £4.75. Faith After the Holocaust. By Eliezer Berkovits. Pp. 180, New York, Ktav Publishing House, 1973, £7.50. Reform Judaism: A Historical Perspective. Edited by Joseph L. Blau. Pp. viii, 529, New York, Ktav Publishing House, 1973, £15.00.