Granì 8:97-100 (
In this has been investigated the socially active art of new media as one of the manifestations of contemporary culture and the consequent transformations in modern Ukrainian society. The aim of work is to identify the specificity of Ukrainian mediaart as a reflection on the processes of social and cultural transformation of society basic on the analysis of the socialcritic media art. If to detach the features of Ukrainian contemporary media art, with it not quite clear transitional status, it will be of interest in the synthesis of past and openness to the future, deideologized attitude towards art and cultural heritage, artistic expression of interest in the social space and clearly progressive search for new topic in a social context. Ukrainian media art is a reflection of social reality and the transformations that taking place in the social and cultural space. Changes in society construct reality in art, which, in turn, creating new forms and content affect the environment, outside the arts. Thus, Ukrainian art is not only representative of the transformations taking place in society, but it is a source of new meanings and perceptions of society.