The latest publication of the series, Sovietica of the Institute of East-European Studies, University of Fribourg is a synopsis by the indefatigable Father Bocheński of the official text-book, Osnovy Marksistsjoj Filosofi which was published in 1958 by the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union. From that volume of some 700 pages, written by a team of eleven philosophers under the direction of F V Cinstantinov, the central theses have been collected into a slim catechism of 62 pages, with their aphoristic propositions decimally numbered and referred to the pagination of the original Russian text, and served with a 15-page systematic index. The result is an orthodox summary of post-Stalinistic Marxist-Leninist philosophy, which remains close to the classic formulations and was revised only slightly in 1959 by the twenty-first Congress of the CPSU.