Coaching is a social phenomenon which transcends the boundaries of a particularprofession. Coaching teaches individuals new ways of thinking and how to learn.One of the basic principles of the coaching procedure is self-directed learning. Coaching isdominant in Western culture nowadays since people have recognized that it is a modernneed, a prerequisite for their personal and social growth in their lives. Coaching startedas Organizational Coaching, as a service offered in organizations. However, it was establishedas a practice years later, in the 1980s, taking various forms in Education as well.To date, very little empirical research exists on educational coaching for students in Highschools, both in Greece and worldwide. Previous studies have used population samples ofpeople of different ages and mainly adult community samples, for example students inhigher education and institutions. While hundreds of higher education institutions haveimplemented coaching programs to help with student success, few coaching programshave been introduced in high schools. Furthermore, most of the literature about coachingat schools shows that coaching for educators has been studied extensively, while theinfluence coaching can have on students has been underestimated. The main goal of thisspecific research is to investigate the hypothesis that coaching intervention for final year/secondary high school students impacts their self-efficacy and personal growth positively.It utilizes a quantitative repeated-measures quasi-experimental design with the use ofa questionnaire.