Digital Bangladesh is a notion which involves the use of ICT for management, administration and governance to make sure transparency, accountability and answerability at all tiers of human beings and state. Without the enhancement of ICT sector, the dream of a Digital Bangladesh would be totally a nightmare for the inhabitants. ICT is moreover a combination of bodily shape and brain. Computers, Network equipment, Software, Wire and Wireless Connectivity Systems, Broadcast Hardware and many other Hardware and Accessories are the bodily structure. The qualified men and woman at the again of the form act as the brain. To materialize the concept of digital Bangladesh, improvement of country wide shape and a big vast range of qualified human resources are the necessary. In this paper, we have proposed an advantageous Information System Model for implementing electronic governance and e-services in Bangladesh which is in an innovative and prescient of developing into „Digital Bangladesh?. We have also analyzed the vision of Digital Bangladesh and the want of e-governance for conducting that vision. Our Information system mannequin courses the improvement of the new e-government structure and managing the challenges of growing e-governance in Bangladesh emphasizing on the utilization of reachable assets and facilitating e-services in greater than a few sectors of government. In addition, we provide unique pointers for creating e-governance in the most feasible, cost-effective, and environment friendly manner.