Dissertation, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (
This work studies some problems connected to the role of negation in
logic, treating the positive fragments of propositional calculus in order to
deal with two main questions: the proof of the completeness theorems in
systems lacking negation, and the puzzle raised by positive paradoxes like
the well-known argument of Haskel Curry. We study the constructive com-
pleteness method proposed by Leon Henkin for classical fragments endowed
with implication, and advance some reasons explaining what makes difficult
to extend this constructive method to non-classical fragments equipped
with weaker implications (that avoid Curry's objection). This is the case,
for example, of Jan Lukasiewicz's n-valued logics and Wilhelm Ackermann's
logic of restricted implication. Besides such problems, both Henkin's method
and the triviality phenomenon enable us to propose a new positive tableau
proof system which uses only positive meta-linguistic resources, and to mo-
tivate a new discussion concerning the role of negation in logic proposing
the concept of paratriviality. In this way, some relations between positive
reasoning and infinity, the possibilities to obtain a ¯first-order positive logic
as well as the philosophical connection between truth and meaning are dis-
cussed from a conceptual point of view.