The philosophy of superdeterminism is based on a single scientific fact about the universe, namely that cause and effect in physics are not real. In 2020, accomplished Swedish theoretical physicist, Dr. Johan Hansson published a physics proof using Albert Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity that our universe is superdeterministic meaning a predetermined static block universe without cause and effect in physics. The philosophy of superdeterminism rejects the main philosophical teachings of Ludwig Feuerbach, who argued that belief in a fictitious God only distracts humanity from its potential to make the world a better place. Feuerbach was incorrect in his assertion that material reality does not support the existence of an immaterial God, because experimentally verified scientific data supporting Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity and the correlations observed in the spin measurement results of entangled particles provided circumstantial scientific evidence of the existence of God, who created our superdeterministic universe outside of spacetime. Moreover, God must have predetermined Christianity to be the predominant world religion allowing the reasonable inference of the truth of the Christian claim about the nature of God and the afterlife. Because God saw fit to predetermine Christianity as His world religion, it seems very unlikely that God would have predetermined the future of humanity to forget Christianity and opt-in for the atheism Feuerbach suggested.