The Integration and Impact of Interdisciplinary STEM Education in K-12 and Higher Education: A Systematic Review of Evidence from 2016-2024
This systematic literature review aims to address some critical questions in interdisciplinary STEM education. Specifically, this study endeavors to determine how STEM education has been implemented in the K-12 and higher education settings, which are the major target of this review, in the time range of 2016 to 2024. Within this time frame, I will utilize PRISMA’S systematic review procedures to conduct an analysis of peer-reviewed articles databases such as ERIC, Web of Science, Scopus, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Science Direct and Google Scholar. Articles from these databases would be analyzed through the use of Boolean oppositions of texts connected to education 5.0, STEM education as well as interdisciplinary approaches. There are tangible outcomes on student participation, improved retention, and development of timely necessary and relevant skills such as advanced ICT understands, intricate problem solving, and teamwork. Inadequate curriculum development policies, lack of curriculum policies, trained personnel and poor resource provision limited the development of the said framework. The review concludes that while interdisciplinary STEM education effectively prepares students for contemporary challenges and aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals, successful implementation requires systematic institutional support and robust infrastructure. Recommendations include developing age-appropriate integrated curricula, establishing teacher collaboration networks, and conducting longitudinal research to assess long-term program impacts on student outcomes and career readiness.