In Russian formalists’ point of view, every poet and writer utilizes some grammatical deviations and extra regulations in creating his work and hence creates foregrounding by means of defamiliarization. One of these extra regularities is deviation from grammatical rules of the language, which is the distinguishing point between the language of poetry and language of prose. In this style, the poet sends the account massage to the background and puts the message itself in the center of attention of the reader. Since the very nature of the poetry is based on grammatical deviation, examples of this deviation can be found in poetry of every poet. But the way this grammatical deviation is utilized varies according to the talent and ingenuity of the poet. M. Sereshk is one of the Nimaiyan poets who have been under the influence of Russian formalists and analysis of his poetry from a formalist point of view will familiarize us with his poetry language. This research intends to investigate the following hypotheses: From among the eight deviations, grammatical deviation can be considered as one of the three important ones in Sereshk’s poetry.