New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers (
Description: Originally published in French, The Civilization in Ancient India by Louis Renou deals with various aspects of polity, life and thought in ancient India. Based mainly on the great body of Indian lore supplemented by the data from epigraphical, literary as well as other sources, this work encapsulates vast information about India's ancient past covering the period up to the middle of the seventh century. In the four preliminary chapters in the first part of the book is given a succinct survey of history, literature, religion and philosophical speculations. The second part deals respectively with caste, family, elements of civil law, penal law, the state, politics and war, economics and public and private life. The facts culled from the substantial data marshalled by the author on these different aspects have indeed made this work invaluable alike for the serious student and researcher. A brief chronology of the period and bibliography on different subjects discussed in the book have added to its value.