In James B. South & Kimberly S. Engels (eds.),
Westworld and Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 206–215 (
Westworld is a political show in the ancient Greek sense, involving everyone in a storyline that looks into the deepest social and ethical issues. This chapter explores the impact of ancient Greek literary forms and traditions to discuss both the aesthetics of the series and its specific concepts of suffering, time, and becoming. If Westworld is a tragedy it will offer people a catharsis, purging feelings of fear and pity. The catharsis in Westworld comes from sympathizing with the hosts’ pain and seeing innocence and beauty in them in contrast to the own cold selfish race. In Westworld, people are introduced to a human race and to a robotic race. These two forces represent the modern conflict, shaping the modern myth, with all the questions we must face sooner or later about how people interact with what and who they create.