Logical Characterisation of Possibilistic and Probabilistic Descriptions of Events in Description Logics
Description Logics (DLs) are a family of formal knowledge representation formalisms and the most well-known formalisms in semantics-based systems. The central focus of this research is on logical-terminological characterisation/analysis of possibilistic and probabilistic descriptions of events in DLs. Based on a logical characterisation of the concept of `being', this paper conceptualises events within DLs world descriptions. Accordingly, it deals with the concepts of `possibility of events' and `probability of events'. The main goal of this research is to investigate how possible and probable notations can, terminologically and logically, be interpreted and analysed within DLs world descriptions. In other words, the research logically-terminologically investigates how possibilistic and probabilistic descriptions of events can be expressed in DLs.