Gadamer’s On the Relevance of the Beautiful makes telling reference to musical improvisation and the importance of musical listening in addition to foregrounding the need for justification (here including reference to musicological readings of Plato). Situating this discussion via Goethe and Plato along with Adorno’s late 1950s lectures on Aesthetics together with a discussion of Nietzsche and antiquity, what is at stake is attunement and a tension which invites a discussion of Anne Carson on the lover’s arrest and Heidegger on tarrying. By reviewing Gadamer’s hermeneutic of musical programming and performance, including improvisation and the challenge of new music, Gadamer may be read on music culture in the context of social culture and thus the so-called ‘culture industry,’ together with his reflection not only via Plato and Goethe but also Hölderlin and Rilke on ‘the beautiful.’ At work is a cultural ‘conversation’ including the dynamic of response emergent in the energeia of improvisation for performer and listener.