Granì 11:71-76 (
The article deals with the theoretical aspects of optimizing interaction between state and citizens. We study problems of social development. Prolonged accumulation of theoretical and practical experience of transformational change led to the evolution of views on the nature of social development, the protective function of the state, the principles and methods of formulation and implementation of social policy. Formation and development of civil society in the Western civilization is an integral part of ensuring human welfare and a high standard of living. Civil society is a system of life support social, socio-cultural and spiritual areas of reproduction and transmission from generation to generation. Civil society realizes the fundamental principle of democracy – government and society serve as a community of mature citizens themselves collectively determine their own destiny. The modern Ukrainian society now appeared before a choice of civilization and experiencing historic change, the essence of which is to move from one qualitative state to another. Today, Ukrainian society is socio-cultural transformation that is associated with the making of post-industrial society. Effective development of modern Ukrainian society depends on preventing antagonism in the relationship of civil society and the state. Democracy allows the majority to influence policy and freely exercise of public interest.