INTRODUCTION[|]Having roots in human nature and as an ancient fact 'privacy' effects the physical choices of humans from clothing and finery to architectural designs of homes. Privacy; as, including the non tangible assets of the individual, a value that should be protected within its individuality (autonomy), a right, a feeling is a guiding term for the individuals relationships with the other individuals and with the society. At the same time forms the societies moral and ethichet rules. The purpose of the study is to examine the concept and importance of privacy and to examine its place in health service delivery.[¤]METHODS[|]In this study the meaning, scope, the specifications within humans being and social relations of the privacy is investigated. A vast area is appeared regarding the the importance of privacy as a right, value to be protected, in what circumstances it appered, with which rights and values it is related, with what common domains it is appreciated as to be protected in different ideologies, how practices changed regarding the changing circumstances in historical process, how it guides the new concepts appeared with the change of the human being. Here also specially its importance in scope of the health ethics, how privacy concept finds its place in health services and its visibility will also be evaluated.[¤]RESULTS[|]As a result, it is revealed that the right to privacy is a value that should be protected for the autonomy and social benefit of the individual.[¤]DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION[|]It is important to record and process patient information in relation to patient physician in terms of healthcare delivery. However, when we deal with confidentiality from the context of health ethics, it is necessary to keep patient information, to be sensitive to patient privacy in medical practice, and to fulfill the confidentiality duty of physician in order to maintain the right of privacy.[¤]