Granì 18 (7) (
In modern sociology understanding of social and cultural factors of strategic activities of market economy is limited and based on perceptions of managerian interaction with organizations to competitive environment. As a result, not enough attention is paid to the cultural and social foundations of the strategy of competition and the staff as an active subject of forming strategic policy organization is excluded out the analysis. In addition, the domestic science understanding of business organization strategies is based on the Western theoretical models which are quite difficult to apply to specific sociocultural and economic conditions. This article describes the sociocultural foundations of business strategies of business organizations. The classification of business strategies for typological characteristics of corporate culture is proposed. Corporate culture of business organization is considered, not only as an effective tool to enhance the competitiveness of modern economic structures, but also as a means to improve the intellectual and cultural capital of business organization. By applying the sociological approach, the author tries to overcome managerian and economic reductionism in studying of the formation mechanisms and implementation of business strategies of modern business organizations, which is the absolute purely market factors that determine the behavior of business organizations in the environment. This understanding leads us to consideration of staff not just as a passive object of management, but also in an active social subject of organizational change. The study of corporate culture as a fundamental factor in formation and implementing organizational strategy extend the understanding of modern economic management entities.