This chapter offers a multilayered critique of modern economics, global capitalism, and economic expertise through the lens of postmodern/critical theoryCritical theory literatures. In so doing, the chapter appeals to a radical ethic of what we term the “economic imaginary”,Economic imaginary best understood as a speakable but generally unspoken range of “voice” which modern economics and global capitalismGlobal capitalism do not seek to hear. To this end, the chapter focuses on the hermeneutical horizon of economic ethicsEconomic ethics in a manner which accounts for moral power as a force in the world not as a concept about the world. Lastly, the chapter articulates the challenges to modern conceptions of what the chapters in this volume seek—an intertextual milieu of economics, community, humanity and the spiritualSpirit by means of dovetailing with a modern conception of harmonyHarmony. We leave the question of harmony at the doorstep of an unnamed and unspeakable “spirituality”Spirituality which is, for us, the very possibility of moral community.