Selectivity, integration, and the psycho-neuro-biological continuum
An important insight derived from Kant about the workings of the mind is that conscious activity involves both the selection of relevant information, and the integration of that information, so as to form mental coherency. The conscious mind can then utilize this coherent information to solve problems, invent tools, synthesize concepts, produce works of art, and the like. In this paper, it will be suggested that just as biological processes, in general, exhibit selective and integrative functions, and just as visual integration performs the function of selecting and integrating visual module areas, so too, consciousness emerged as a property of the brain to act as a kind of meta-cognitive process that selects and integrates relevant information from psychological modules. The upshot is to establish a psycho-neuro-biological continuum by suggesting that the conscious psychological properties of selectivity and integration are possible because of similar properties that other neurobiological and biological processes exhibit