Breaking the Cultural Trance
Dissertation, The Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities (
This project focuses on the Psychology of Transformation and is presented in two parts, along with a statement of contextual inquiry. The statement of contextual inquiry includes a theoretical and contextual discussion of psychology of transformation, shamanic techniques and shamanism, transformationalism and group process. Part one is a creative narrative in the form of vignettes that are designed to aid the reader in experiential awareness of the subjects covered. Beginning with a personal description of the author's transformational experiences on shamanic journeys to Peru it leads into a description of experiences in the group that was designed to break the cultural trance of the illusion of separation in the United States. The hypothesis was that group visioning could be a potent factor in effecting the experience of oneness or unity. The group design is based on shamanic concepts and techniques. In the process of letting go of many things the six members joined in a process of becoming and forming a tribe, a living organism with a life of its own. The life of the group was marked by four rites of passage: Birth, Puberty, Marriage, Death. The second part of the PDE is a documentary describing group formation and design, various techniques were employed to create sacred space, community and heart connection, to share consciousness, to heighten and expand experiential awareness, to connect with nature, to enter non-ordinary reality, to practice shamanic journeying and environment personal transformation was triggered, inspired, supported and nurtured. Each member worked on aspects of development for their own lives. There were no rules or procedures but ritual and visioning were important vehicles for the unfoldment of each individual's transformational process. The personal accounts of members of the group are documented in the form of interviews. This phenomenological study indicates this group process to be a viable means for personal and social transformation