War and Human Nature in Bertrand Russell, Jacques Maritain, and Reinhold Niebuhr
Dissertation, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine a possible connection between the solutions one proposes to the problem of war and his/her theory of human nature. ;In the first chapter of this study, three premises that have dominated modern thought are examined. These premises include: the theological and ontological status of people, epistemological considerations, and the changeableness of human nature. ;This dissertation's thesis is that a person's model of human nature will develop from the position the person takes regarding these premises. A person's solutions to the problem of war will be based in these premises and his/her model of human nature. An underlying assumption for this dissertation is that the Bible is authoritative and the source of God's truth for humanity. ;The second chapter contains an historical survey of the study of war. The third chapter presents some of the issues associated with the Bible's presentation of war and God's role in war. ;In chapters four through six the theories of three prominent twentieth century philosophers are examined. Each philosopher's theory of human nature is compared to his world view, his epistemology, and his understanding of change in human nature. Each philosopher's approach to war is compared to his theory of human nature and to this writer's understanding of the Bible. ;The findings of this dissertation are inconclusive. Although there appears to be a correlation between the three premises and the theory of human nature that a person develops, there is no conclusive evidence whether a person's theory of human nature arises from his/her world view or whether a world view is selected to explain certain empirically derived aspects of human nature. ;Finally, the assumption that a belief in biblical authority is a prerequisite for a solution to the problem of war is not disproven. None of these philosophers present a solution to the problem of war. None of these three scholars consider the Bible to be the authoritative Word of God. However, this assumption is not tested conclusively because no example of a biblically based treatment of the problem of war is presented in this dissertation