Functional intentionality is the dominant theory about how mental states come to have the content that they do. Phenomenal intentionality is an increasingly popular alternative to that orthodoxy, claiming that intentionality cannot be functionalized and
that nothing is a mental state with intentional content unless it is phenomenally conscious. There is a consensus among defenders of phenomenal intentionality that the kind of phenomenology that is
both necessary and sufficient for having a belief that "there is a tree
in the quad" is that the agent be consciously aware of the meaning
of "tree" and "quad". On this theory, experiences with a valence
-- experiences like happiness and sadness, satisfaction and frustration
-- are irrelevant to intentionality. This paper challenges that
assumption and considers several versions of "valent phenomenal
intentionality" according to which a capacity for valent conscious
experiences is either a necessary or a sufficient condition for intentionality
(or both).