Although dualism has the advantage of being intuitively plausible, it is not compatible
with a 21st-century (scientific) world view. Jaak Panksepp and Antonio Damasio
are contemporary writers who reject dualism, and whose views take the form of
“biological naturalism”. I first discuss how their views compare in five specific
respects; and then I look more closely at how the different emphases of the views
affect their ability to account for the evolutionary advantages of consciousness,
specifically. Both authors agree that “consciousness” provides creatures with a
survival advantage in terms of their ability to produce novel and/or flexible responses,
their ability to plan ahead, and their motivation to promote their own survival – but
the exact means by which they think these advantages are conferred, in each of these
respects, differ. One might say that, whereas Damasio thinks the main evolutionary
advantages of “consciousness” (the “higher reaches” of which are unique to humans)
have to do with enabling creatures to work out what to do to promote their well-being,
Panksepp thinks the main advantage of “consciousness” is that being “conscious” of
affective feelings urgently motivates creatures to take action when their well-being
is threatened. Considering that “working out what do” is only possible for a small
selection of cognitively sophisticated organisms, I argue that Panksepp’s account is
more plausible than Damasio’s account.