This study analyzes the ethics in both the political theory of Ibn Al-Azraq and Ibn khaldun, as it included a comparison between the different political theory for each of them, as well as the difference in how the sources they adopted during the close period in which they lived. In addition to comparing their opinions in some ethical areas of the state, such as: the morals of the ruler or the king, the attributes of the minister. The study was divided into two parts, the first section was devoted to the definition of Ibn Alazraq and Ibn Khaldun, The main issue for both thinkers and the concepts used by them, while the second section was Ethical issues and their influence on the political system and the people between Ibn Khaldun and Ibn al-Azraq. A comparison of the ethical political theory of Ibn al-Azraq and Ibn khaldun, the areas were covered by it. In the conclusion, the research concluded by providing direct answers to the problematic questions that came in the foreground. The political and social heritage passed from Ibn Khaldun to Ibn al-Azraq, who studied it and added to it as well as they did before him. The conclusion is that political sociology and its intellectual, philosophical and especially ethical theorems, did not stop at Ibn Khaldun, but rather that he ripens and fertilizes and gets richer with Ibn Al-Azraq.