Poltergeist: La Conexión Entre Nuestra Mente y Otras Realidades (Poltergeist: The Connection Between Our Mind and Other Realities), is one of the few books originally published in Spanish about poltergeists during the last several decades (for another exception see Jordan Peña 1982). The book was privately published by David López Bueno, presumably in Spain, who is described in the book’s back cover as having worked through radio and television on different topics related to “the world of mystery, mysticism, and esoterism.” Readers unfamiliar with the topic will find López Bueno’s summary of a few cases useful. This includes some that took place in Spain in the cities of Barcelona, Cáceres, Ceuta, Madrid, Valencia, and Zaragoza. But there are also summaries of cases from other parts of the world such as California, Enfield (London), and Tennessee (Bell family). In addition, the Rosenheim and the Columbus (Ohio) case of Tina Resch are summarized. Interestingly, the case of Borley Rectory, generally regarded as a haunting, is also included. In the author’s words: “Borley Rectory was really a catalyst for paranormal activity. There was something in the place itself that seemed to encourage the energy inside and also acted as a battery to which Marianne Foyster could connect in some way. The house showed three different types of phenomena... the ghosts who interacted with the investigators, a haunting possibly something lingering from the nun... and the poltergeist type activity produced by Mrs. Foyster” (p. 103). There are also brief discussions of the features of poltergeists. The author mentions specific phenomena such as sounds, movement of objects, levitation of objects, thermal variations, and electrical phenomena. He contends that there are cases in which sounds show evidence of intelligent communication. While there are cases of this sort (e.g., Colvin 2008), it is not certain how common communications via raps is. Roll (1977) found in his analysis of 116 published poltergeist cases that there was some form of communication reported in the accounts of 47 cases (41%). But out of the 47 cases there were only 11 (23%) in which raps provided the information.