The Essence of Mulla Sadra's Philosophical School
Mulla Sadra's philosophy has its own strong points and weaknesses. The weaknesses include the chaotic layout of issues, scattered references to one certain topic in different unrelated places, bringing quotations without mentioning the reference, resorting to intellectual intuition in judgment, showing excessive humility before other scientists and accepting their views without question, and using too many figures of speech.On the essence of his philosophical school, there are different views sometimes opposing each other. In one view, his school is an eclectic one i.e., it is a rewording of the previous schools and has therefore nothing new in itself.The second view, however, stresses that the idea of the Transcendent Wisdom is quite innovative and satisfies both gnostics and philosophers. They maintain that Mulla Sadra by estblishing new and consolidated principles in philosophy reached conclusions that were clear - cut and surprisingly mapped onto religious teachings and even helped better understand the basics of Islamic weltanschauung.Advocates of a third view believe that the Transcendent Wisdom owes its sublimity to its superior language. Based on new semantics, they try to find a logical advantage for the transcendent Wisdom.Finally, a fourth view relies on gnosiology to prove the Transcendent Wisdom's superiority over other philosophical schools.