Causuality in Mulla Sadra's Primacy of Existence
Employing conceptions such as "philosophical second intelligibles", "possibility of poverty", "connective being" and "illuminative relation", the author seeks to explain the causality in Sadr -al- Muteallehin's existential frame.And connecting the causuality to the gradation of existence, he affirms that, firstly, it can be accpted that possible entities are the source of effect and, secondly, being the source of effect and exercising the power is because of the existential mode of possible entities and thirdly, the original and final source of this is the Absolute Necessary.With this attitude, according to the author, suspicions of essentialists and those who deny the correlation between the effect and cause can be answered.Similarly, the suspicions of poeple, such as Ash'arites about the contradiction between the secondary causes and the absolute existence of God can be answered. And those who specified the refutation of causuality as the foundation of thair loose belief in freedom, can'be withsood. And the order of the nature system as the possible world, can be proved and accepted.