Logical reasoning and intuitive experience of ‘Existence’: The evolving of Mulla Sadra’s transcendental approach to reality
Mulla Sadra's al-Hikmat al-Muta'aliyah ischaracterized by eclecticism in the sense that this is an attempt ofreconciliation of and, at the same time, reaction against his predecessors likeAristotle, Ibn Sina, Ibn-'Arabi, the Illuminationists and etc. Our thinker hasan intellectual approach though he rejects rational conceptual process as asole way of approaching to reality. Instead, he focuses on two ways to unveilreality: intuitive experience and logical reasoning.In this paper, I will further compare Mulla Sadra's ideas in relation to laterWestern philosophers, Martin Heidegger and Edmund Husserl. In particular,I will examine and compare his concept of traveling the gulf between theReality of One Existence and the other beings, as well as his concept oftrans-existentiation as an attempt to translate mystical and intuitiveexperience into the language ofreason or empirical evidence