Sense Experience and its Relation to Universality and Induction
In this article, and with an epistomological approach, the philosopher, presents a new and strange explanation about the nature of experience, formation and origination of experience, and construction of "the universal" in mind. In light of his doctrine, he disprove well-knoun doctrines, such as Karl Poppeirs falifiablity doctrine and Kant's doctrine. He challenges the common definition of "the universal" and believes that many issues, such as the experimental knowledge, the criterion of truth and induction, will find new forms. According to him the experimental knowledge is resulted from the first sensing contact with the external object, together with the identity principle.The first experience will have essential, natural, existential, causal and effectual validity; and it is the cornerstone of experimental knowledge. According to him. the criterion of truth in sense and experience, is sense-organs, in the first step. And in contrary with common definition, induction never proves a universal proposition.