Страсбургский папирус эмпедокла
Schole 10 (1):214-226 (
The recent surge of interest in the Empedoclean philosophy is connected with a discovery of the previously unknown fragments of his poem in the structure of the Strasbourg papyrus. A new edition advanced by A. Martin and O. Primavesi has appeared in 1999. Before the eyes of many scholars has arisen a fresh picture of the Empedoclean great work. Some authors evaluate this fact as the beginning of the whole epoch in studying of the poem by Empedocles, others do not incline to overstate its importance. The present work is dedicated in the first place to the problem of reconstruction of the new fragments and to the arguments in favor of their proper placing relative to the early-known ones. We will trace the process of the poem’s renaissance. This article opens the number of future studies, dedicated to different questions in studying of the Empedocles’ thought arisen in connection with the recently discovered fragments. I hope that the paper will be useful for Russian scholars, since no study on the Strasbourg papyrus has appeared in Russian yet.