La autodeterminación como perspectiva de la Fenomenología del espíritu
When the Phenomenology of Mind was first published in 1807, it had a subtitle, as it follows: “System of Science, First part, Science of the Experience of Consciousness”. Although this subtitle was removed when the titanic labor was undertaken of making an edition to the complete works of Hegel after his death, it leads us to an inevitable problem; that is, how is it possible to think the science of the experience of consciousness as a phenomenology of mind? As readers of Hegel’s Phenomenology, we shall attempt to make this question, given that in order to elucidate the novelty of the Hegelian concept of mind we must examine its different objective configurations as presented by the experience of consciousness. Consequently, we will approach the experience of consciousness as an experience of self-determination, since it will be thus shown that the relation of consciousness with the objects is also the relation of mind relation with itself.