The study sought to find out the knowledge level and attitude of school going male adolescents towards drug use and abuse. The sample for the study consists of300 students with age range of 14-19 years. Three research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the conduct Q[ the study. T- test of indep endent samples. frequency counts a/l(i percentages were used to an~Jzvze the data. Oral interview with the subjects indicate that they use drugs like marijuana becau:,:e it gives them sensation a1!d it increases the likelihood of risk-taking· behaviours. Cigarettes and alcohol constitutes the most abused drugs. Peer pressure/ il!/luence, media· and advertising v.'ere found to contribute to adolescents' use of drug becmise they portray drugs as socially acceptable. It was also observed that school going adolescents use drugs because theirfr(ends uses them and because ofcuriosity: that is they want to se.e how it.feels. The result of hypothesis one indicates that school going adolescents have kJ1owledge of drug use and abuse though tin "older'' adolescents showed more knowledge of drug use and abuse. Hyp othesis 1 was rejected. Hypothesis 2 wo.< accepted. The result shov.:s that schopl going adolescents have negative attitude to the use of drugs regardless o' religious affiliation. Statement such as drugs may lead to. death; drug is badfor good health; drugs ruin lives ... were ai. agreed to by the subjects. At the end ofthe study, reconimendations were proffered because realistically, it is difficult 10 completely eradicate drug use and its abuse arnong youths especially school going male adolescents in Nigeria