Female genital mutilation is a contentious and controversia11ssue. It has generated a lot of arguments in favour of and against 1t. Female genital mutilation is a harmful tradition'al ;practice against women. It should be stated categorically that female genital mutilation is notthe most lethal o the practices affecting women health, hut is still theme>st humiliating accompanied by severe physical and mental torment for women Thou h he practice has been abolished in the western world, it is s ill a source of terror for Afr.ican women. In most communities in "' ica, female genital mutilation is seen as rite of passage from • i ood to adulthood and, hence, their resolve not to do away wit e harmful practice. The present study, which is a general ove ~"' ,' of female genital mutilation , is designed to sensitize the ge e:a o ·c especially the t~ ~male folks about the issues surroundrng · cumcision