In the final pages of Politik als Beruf Max Weber introduces his now famous distinction between two types of ethics: the “ethics of conviction” ( “Gesinnungsethik”) and the “ethics of responsibility” ( “Verantwortungsethik”). Neither of these is simple to translate and neither of these is easy to understand. What makes it even more difficult to comprehend Weber’s two types of ethics is the absence of a sufficient context. In the following piece I will try to address this problem. In the first part I set out the nineteenth century notion of “conscience”, in the second I address the Protestant Ethic with the particular emphasis on Calvin’s theology, and in the third I lay out the political and ethical demands of some of the Old Testament Prophets. The people’s appeals to conscience, Calvin’s convictions, and the beliefs of Old Testament prophets were all predicated on a sense of devotion to God. Weber’s “modern politician” shared many of their ethical convictions but was no longer able to appeal to the authority of God. Instead, the modern political actor has to have a sense of responsibility and a belief in the accountability for the future. By providing this theological context one will have a fuller background for understanding of Weber’s two types of ethics.