Redukcja transcendentalno-fenomenologiczna a modyfikacja neutralnoÅciowa
The paper addresses the relation between transcendental-phenomenological reduction and neutral modification in Edmund Husserlâs phenomenology. According to Husserl, there is both essential kinship and fundamental difference between them. What makes them akin is that they both are characterised as disconnection or bracketing judgement about natural world. What differs them, however, is that neutral modification is a kind of transformation of conviction of existence of the world into neutral consciousness, which does not constitute the world, whereas the transcendental-phenomenological reduction disconnects the world in a way which leads to uncovering the subjectivity that does constitute the world. Hence, the transcendental-phenomenological disconnection of the world does not mean its neutralisation, but rather recognition of being of the world as a result of constitutive performances of transcendental subjectivity.