This study investigated the preservation practices selected teacher colleges of education libraries in Ghana. The study examined the existence of preservation policies in the teacher college libraries, preservation techniques in place, level of training given to library staff on preservation and barriers to effective preservation of information resources in the teacher college libraries. The study adopted a survey research design and the instruments used were structured questionnaire administered to forty-four (44) library personnel in six teacher colleges of education in Ghana. The population of the study consisted of para-professional and professional librarians. Descriptive statistics methods were used to analyse the collected data. Findings from the study revealed that there were existence of preservation policies in the teacher college libraries but and they were sometimes used to guide preservation activities in the libraries. Regular checking of materials, proper handling of materials and periodic fumigations were the frequently used techniques in preserving library materials in the selected college libraries. The level of staff training given on preservation of information resources. Orientations, seminars, conferences, and workshops were used to train staff on preservation of library materials. The major barriers to preservation of library materials included inadequate funding, funding, inadequate infrastructure for preservation, lack of preservation equipment and negative attitude of some staff and users, lack of support of management towards preservation and lack of skilled manpower. The following recommendations were provided by the researchers: staff of the college libraries be given adequate training and education on preservation practices, management should provide funding support to the libraries and finally, the preservation policies of the libraries should always be used to guide preservation activities in the libraries.