[author unknown]
The Department of Philosophy, The University of Western Ontario, announces a Colloquium, commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of Wittgenstein’s death, to be held March 31-April 4, 1976, at the Holiday Inn, Centre Tower, London, Ontario, Canada. Participants include: Rogers Albritton, G. E. M. Anscombe, Max Black, Kenneth Blackwell, O. K. Bouwsma, John V. Canfield, Frank Cioffi, Michael Dummett, K. T. Fann, Peter Geach, Peter Hacker, J. F. M. Hunter, Hidé Ishiguro, Anthony Kenny, Georg Kreisel, Saul Kripke, Casimir Lewy, Brian McGuinness, David Pears, D. Z. Phillips, Erik Stenius, Peter Winch, John Wisdom, and Paul Ziff. For further information write: Wittgenstein Colloquium, Dept. Philosophy, Talbot College, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.