[author unknown]
The 1979 Program Committee for the Western Division of the American Philosophical Association invites contributed papers to be given at the 1979 convention at the Palmer House in Chicago. Papers should be 20 minutes in reading length and should be sent in triplicate, with abstracts to: Ms. June Anderson, National APA Office, University of Delaware, Newark, Del. 19711. The deadline for papers is 15 October 1978. Please indicate prominently that you wish the paper to be considered for the Western Division meeting. Also state whether the paper is being submitted to another division of the APA. Papers will be coded for blind review. The author should list his or her name and institutional affiliation on a separate page. A paper whose author’s name or institution is made known in the body of the paper, the footnotes, or elsewhere in the paper will be disqualified. Papers are welcome in all areas of philosophy. The 1979 Program Committee consists of Fred I. Dretske, Baruch Brody, Richard Schacht, Robert Audi, Alexander Nehamas, and Alison Jaggar.