За жизнь с разумным сознанием
Created in 2002 the Regional public Fund of Chelyabinsk «For Person and of Humanity's life» , had established research institute "Soznaniya". For the moment the institute has elaborated the Unified theory of Consciousness , the Unified law of Being and developed General theory of relativity . UTC, ULB and GTR are the consistent integration of knowledge of science, philosophy, and religion; and they are exposing the energoinformational essence of Universe and Person's organization. These new theories are postulating the priority of informational interaction by the programs-projects and only after that the objectivity of observed. Meanwhile, the Person is functioning according to the programs-projects, which fill his Consciousness with contents and his life with purposes and senses. The programs-projects are being developing on basis of program of sensuality manifested in actions. The source of program-project for the Evolution is the center of energoinformational area of Universe, called God-Absolute. This knowledge creates the perspective for thedevelopment of science and philosophy. From all these theories the philosophical idea "For the life with Rational Consciousness", pretending on the universal status, is coming out. This idea is a new solution for the way out from the state of bifurcation by the way of Spiritual and moral rebirth of Humanity, and the weakening of consequences after the present ecological catastrophe