In this article for the first time in the Ukrainian philosophy the sociocultural context of the prerequisites for developing of the Philosophy of Pragmatism is analyzed. The author examines the formation of worldview and social reality, which was structured on the background of religious beliefs. It has been proved that early American society developed within the rigid religious ideology framework s. The purpose of the article is to investigate the sociocultural context of the world view emergence in the United States and to determine its influence on the formation of the Philosophy of Pragmatism. The basic method of research is the method of sociocultural analysis, which is used during considering the historical preconditions for the development of fundamental worldview of American society. It has been explicated that throughout all early history, American philosophy tried to integrate spiritual and intellectual reflections and theories with the practice of human experience. It is specified that the philosophy of transcendentalism was the first attempt to draw attention to the cognition of real human experience. However, only the emergence of Darwinism theory was an impulse for understanding a man as a natural being, which establishes its values, goals, justifies its laws and rules of social life. A new comprehension of world development processes and the place of a man in it motivated the formation of the theoretical basis of pragmatism