100 entries most recently downloaded from the set: "Macalester Journal of Philosophy" in "DigitalCommons@Macalester College"

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  1. The Expressivist Argument, Prenatal Diagnosis, and Selective Abortion: An Appeal to the Social Construction of Disability.Carolyn Gonter - unknown
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  2. Primary Goods, Germ-Line Enhancements, and Children.Grant Maki - unknown
    Germ-line genetic engineering procedures may influence the lives of untold millions of people far into the future. These techniques change the genetic material that is passed on to offspring and thus have the potential to change the human race as we know it. Because the effects are so enduring, this powerful technique must be used with caution. We must decide how to ethically evaluate potential changes to the germ-line consistently and effectively so that future generations are not harmed. I will (...)
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  3. Feminism, the Self, and Narrative Ethics.Carly Martin - unknown
    In Section I, I analyze the first formulation of Kant’s Categorical Imperative and the version of the moral self that this theory entails. In Section II, I demonstrate that Kant’s ethical theory dismisses as non-moral an agent who derives her sense of self from her particular context. I explain how the societal oppression of actual persons who understand their moral selves in this way leads feminists to reject Kant’s theory and to call for an alternative theory; I outline two criteria (...)
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  4. What are Works of Art?Elizabeth Spier - unknown
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  5. "Are Eyebrows Going to Be Talked of in Connection with the Eye of God?" Wittgenstein and Certainty in the Debate between Science and Religion.Gesse Stark-Smith - 2007 - Macalester Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):Article 9.
    In this paper I will argue that we can chart such a middle course through an exploration of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s thought . I will use his thesis that meaning and certainty are context dependent to investigate how meaning is produced in science and in religion. I will start with the recognition that any system of thought must take certain basic propositions as criteria for further investigation and explore how Wittgenstein defines this idea. Next I will try to establish that religion (...)
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  6. Two Dogmas of Analytical Philosophy.Greg Taylor - 2007 - Macalester Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):40-55.
    In his landmark article, “Two Dogmas of Empiricism,” W.V.O. Quine pushed analytical philosophy into its post-positivist phase by rejecting two central tenets of logical empiricism. The first dogma was the distinction between analytic and synthetic statements; the second was reductionism, or the belief that to each synthetic sentence there corresponds a set of experiences that will confirm or disconfirm it. But in both “Two Dogmas” and Word and Object, Quine stretches analytical philosophy to its limits. The problem is, ironically, his (...)
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  7. Construction, Solipsism, and Intuitionistic Mathematics.Kevin Blum - 2005 - Macalester Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):88-101.
  8. Utilitarianism, Game Theory and the Social Contract.Daniel Burgess - unknown
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  9. Coercion in Bioethics.Jess Hasken - unknown
    This paper will define human enhancement and coercion in the context of this discussion; explain separately how Bioconservatives and Transhumanists use the concept of coercion; and demonstrate how coercion is used improperly as a critique of enhancement.
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  10. A New Approach to the Issue of Medical Futility: Reframing the Debate.Sophie Kasimow - unknown
  11. The Status of Free Will: A Philosophical and Empirical Analysis.Gordon Kerns - unknown
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  12. Socrates Misinterpreted and Misapplied: An Analysis of the Constructed Contradiction between the Apology and the Crito.Masha Marchevsky - unknown
  13. Too Strong for Principle: An Examination of the Theory and Philosophical Implications of Evolutionary Ethics.Sam Rayner - unknown
    Evolutionary ethics is a discipline that has formed around the belief that human-kind’s conception of morality was developed through the evolutionary process of natural selection. Various mechanisms concern-ing the evolution of morality have been proposed within the theory of natural selection, and I believe that many authors in the field focus too narrowly on one or a few of them in their efforts to model the origins of morality. In this paper I hope to present a broader review of many (...)
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  14. "Can We Have a Word in Private?": Wittgenstein on the Impossibility of Private Languages.Dan Walz-Chojnacki - unknown
  15. Genetic Modification and Future Generations.David Sackris - 2006 - Macalester Journal of Philosophy 15 (1).
    One of the most difficult issues to sort out morally is our obligation to future generations. Most individuals feel that they do indeed have some kind of obligation, but face difficulty in explaining the exact nature of the obligation. For one, it seems impossible to know the wants and desires of future generations, and furthermore the existence of the persons we are obligated to is entirely dependent upon the choices that we in fact make. In essence, we could shape future (...)
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  16. The Nyaya Dualist Tradition: A Comparative Analysis.Anirudh Seth - unknown
    In this paper, I hope to i. briefly explain Nyaya dualist ontology and identify the implications involved in accepting this view, ii. provide a comparison of Nyaya dualism to Cartesian dualism, and iii. provide an analysis of Nyaya dualism vis-à-vis some contemporary non-dualist theories of mind, in an attempt to gauge the viability of Nyaya Dualism as a theory of mind. I will briefly identify the context and history of this school in Indian Philosophy and will attempt to describe how (...)
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  17. On How to Refer to Unobservable Entities.Greg Wong-Taylor - 2006 - Macalester Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):4-14.
    In order for us to associate a word with an object it might seem that we would need to have direct experience with both. Given the present technology, however, there are some objects with which we can have no direct experience, namely the unobservable entities postulated by scientific theories. The problem taken up here is how to refer to those entities. There are two prominent attempts to explain reference in scientific theories – the first is Ramsey and Carnap’s proposal that (...)
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  18. Jane Addams' Democracy and Social Ethics: Defending Care Ethics.Melissa E. Anderson - unknown
  19. Frazer, Wittgenstein and the Interpretation of Ritual Practice.Felicia DeSmith - unknown
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  20. Dialectic at a Moving Standstill: The Neurotic Midadventures of Philosphy of Mind.Dan Ganin - unknown
    Relatively recently, numerous philosophers of mind have espoused the epistemic intractability and impenetrability of both the mind-body problem and the problem of consciousness. While past and present attempts to theoretically resolve and circumvent these metaphysical questions have assumed many forms and postulated numerous conceptual paradigms (substance dualism, property dualism, eliminative materialism, functionalism, mind-body identity theory, logical behaviorism, idealism, etc.), the fundamental problem of epistemic inexplicability has not substantially dissipated since the rationalist ruminations of Descartes and Leibniz. The nascent articulation of (...)
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  21. Locke Against Himself: The Case For Re-evaluating the "Lockean" Concept of Personal Identity.Ben Larson - unknown
  22. Speaking For Others.Lauren Marino - unknown
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  23. Hume's Moral Philosophy.Sam Rayner - unknown
  24. An Overlooked Insight of the Tractatus.Mariana Saavedra - unknown
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  25. Making Persons and Selves from Lumps of Matter.Nick Napolitan - unknown
    The contemporary development of naturalism has left us has in many ways ‘objectified’ our world, giving us a material world of laws and causes, that is in some ways strangely distant from our notions of ‘self.’ We might be said to possess a very strong ‘sense of self,’ and looking at our friends and neighbors, we get the impression that everybody holds similarly strong feelings. We live in a world populated by lumps of matter, but also rational agents, intricate persons, (...)
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  26. On why the traditional Advaic resolution of jivanmukti is superior to the neo-Vedantic resolution.Sakkapohl Vachatimanont - unknown
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  27. Rawls's Theory of Justice From A Utilitarian Perspective.T. D. Rogers - unknown
    I am very attracted to the theory Rawls has put forth in A Theory of Justice. I feel that he gives a good explanation of how principles of justice can to be arrived at in order to have a fair and just society. However, I do not think that Rawls’s way of doing this is the only way. In many ways, it seems that utilitarianism can be used to justify the same principles that Rawls is advocating. Specifically, it seems that (...)
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  28. Reflected Words: Meaning and Silence in Language and Translation.Melanie Sard - unknown
    What role does translation play in philosophy of language? Recent development in the field has drawn parallels between theories of translation and theories of meaning, evident primarily in the work of Davidson and Quine. Communication has often been viewed as an act of translation or interpretation between speakers, particularly by Davidson in later writings. I think it is equally useful to view translation as an act of communication, and this approach is particularly valuable because it leads us to the conclusion (...)
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  29. Black & Davidson on Metaphor.Emily Ayoob - unknown
    Most theories of metaphor look at what occurs inside a metaphorical phrase and posit a shift in meaning in the metaphorical words. This includes the classic “Models and Metaphor,” by Max Black, who distinguishes between the literal words of the phrase and the metaphorical words. On this view, the two interact in such a way that the meanings of the metaphorical words change. In another view, Donald Davidson takes a radical stance in his “What Metaphors Mean” to assert that the (...)
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  30. Nietzsche's Recommendations for the Philosopher.Anthony Boutelle - unknown
    Nietzsche’s philosophical endeavor can be broadly characterized by two complementary ambitions acting throughout his corpus: a relentless critique of traditional metaphysics, epistemology, and axiology; and an effort to confront the nihilistic predicament which seems to result from these negations. Nowhere are these ideas more directly relevant and their implications more dramatic than in the discipline of philosophy itself; the task of the philosopher must be transformed by these revaluations of its tools and subject matter. Accordingly, Nietzsche’s writings ought to recommend (...)
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