OAI Archive: Psychocentrum Review

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  1. Adaptasi Alat Ukur Skala Kemandirian Pembelajaran Elektronik Pada Mahasiswa di Indonesia.Meidina Amalia & Hery Susanto - 2024 - Psychocentrum Review 6 (3):134-147.
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties and feasibility of the e-Learning Autonomy Scale (e-LAS) when adapted for use in an Indonesian context, specifically focusing on students involved in electronic-based learning. This study used convenience sampling technique with a total sample of 188 participants who are students in Indonesian higher education and participate in e-learning. The data analysis performed was reliability testing using the SPSS programme and validity testing with CFA using JASP software. The reliability test, (...)
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  2. Challenging Norms: Marital Satisfaction and Diverging Priorities of Voluntarily Child-Free and Parenting Couples in A Pronatalist Society.Rheena Allana Ferrer, Angel Nicole Cea, Christine Lance Baronia, Anjovial Aliling, Jose Angelo Manuel, Jocelyn Reyes Viray & Adrian M. Segovia - 2024 - Psychocentrum Review 6 (3):122-133.
    This study explored the impact of parental status on marital satisfaction and quality of life among parenting and child-free couples. Using an explanatory sequential mixed-methods design, 412 participants from the Greater Manila Area participated in the quantitative phase, and 20 participants were involved in the qualitative phase. Married individuals aged 25-50 years, married for at least two years, were included. The ENRICH Marital Inventory and WHOQOL-BREFwere used to measure marital satisfaction and quality of life, respectively, with semi-structured interviews adding depth (...)
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  3. How Emotional Intelligence and Adversity Quotient Impact Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Meta-Analysis.Sulistiasih Sulistiasih, Netty Mardiaty & Lenny Utama Afriyenti - 2024 - Psychocentrum Review 6 (3):159-171.
    Every organization wants to survive and develop. Therefore, extra-role behavior, commonly called organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), is required. OCB is absolutely essential for both personal and organizational dynamics. Hence, the objective of this investigation is to ascertain the impact of emotional intelligence (EI) and adversity quotient (AQ) on OCB. This investigation employs quantitative methodologies grounded in a literature review, which are then subjected to meta-analysis. 16 pertinent articles were selected from Scopus, SINTA, and Google Scholar between 2018 and 2024 to (...)
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  4. Development of a Sociodrama Technique Guide in Group Counseling to Enhance Interpersonal Intelligence.Ardilla Indah Mustia, Muhammad Riza Darwin & Nindya Ayu Pristianti - 2024 - Psychocentrum Review 6 (2):103-111.
    This research is a Research and Development (R&D) study using the Borg & Gall development model, consisting of seven stages: initial research and information gathering, planning, product development, main field trials, initial trial revisions, revised field trials, and final product. The product is a guide divided into six parts: Introduction, Sociodrama Techniques, Interpersonal Intelligence, Implementation, Sociodrama Scenarios, and Bibliography. Data were collected through questionnaires assessing feasibility by material and media experts, guidance and counseling teachers, and an interpersonal intelligence scale. The (...)
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  5. Prevalence of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder among college students and their association with lifestyle, socio-demographic factors and perceived stress level.Sona Budaniya, Dr Raghuveer Choudhary & Ashok Kumar Choudhary - 2024 - Psychocentrum Review 6 (2):88-102.
    Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is luteal phase disorder and characterized by variety of physical and psychological symptoms. A cross sectional study was carried out. Sample was drawn from students of medical, physiotherapy and nursing colleges attached to Dr. S N medical college, Jodhpur. Menstrual history, premenstrual symptom screening tool (Cronbach α=0.928) and Perceived stress scale was used estimate prevalence of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder among college students and investigate relationship of them with lifestyle, socio demographic factors and perceived (...)
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  6. Pengaruh Work-Life Balance terhadap Job Perfomance yang Dimediasi oleh Psychological Well-Being Pada Perawat.Ahmad Sandi Jaelani & Yus Nugraha - 2024 - Psychocentrum Review 6 (1):31-38.
    This study aims to look at the role of Psychological well-being as a variable mediating the relationship between Work-life balance and Job Performance in nurses in hospital group X. The method used in this study uses correlational quantitative with hypothesis analysis using Process by Andrew Hayes. The results showed a direct relationship between Work-life balance and Job Performance of 0.732 with a P value <0.05. Meanwhile, the indirect estimate value between Work-life balance and Job Performance is Mediation of Psychological Wel-Being (...)
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  7. Adaptation and Validation of the Mental Health Continuum Long Form (MHC-LF) in Indonesia: A Psychometric Analysis.Novita Sari, Aulia Inskandarsyah & Urip Purwono - 2023 - Psychocentrum Review 5 (3):175-187.
    The study aims to adapt and validate the MHC-LF in Indonesia. The sample used was 315 participants (29 client group and 286 general group. Psychometric property analysis was carried out, including item analysis, reliability estimation using test-retest and internal consistency, and collecting validity evidence based on test content, internal structure, and relationships with other variables. The results showed that psychological well-being item number 10 and social well-being number 3 had insignificant loading factor values. MHC-LF reliability is high, with r= 0.85-0.94. (...)
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  8. Resilience, Stress and Subjective Well-Being among Medical Co-Assistants during COVID-19 Pandemic.Risa Anggreini, Nadia Amanda Meldi, Arini Rachmawati, Syaikha Nabila & Aulia Iskandarsyah - 2023 - Psychocentrum Review 5 (3):145-160.
    Medical co-assistants are at significant risk during the COVID-19 pandemic due to exposure to more substantial stressors, including handling patients, academic pressure, and reduced rest times. Moreover, their continuous exposure to disease during the COVID-19 pandemic places them in significant psychological distress. These challenges can potentially affect their subjective well-being. Effective stress management strategies are imperative to reduce susceptibility to adverse consequences. Resilience has been identified as a key protective factor against the detrimental impact of stress. A study involving 102 (...)
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  9. Academic Procrastination in College Students: Do Academic Burnout and Smartphone Addiction Matter?Eko Sujadi & Bukhari Ahmad - 2023 - Psychocentrum Review 5 (3):161-174.
    Academic procrastination is a behavior commonly exhibited by college students. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of academic burnout and smartphone addiction on academic procrastination, both partially and simultaneously. A cross-sectional survey design was employed, involving 214 students from a state university in Jambi Province, Indonesia. We adapted the Short Form of the Academic Procrastination Scale, the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory – Student Version (OLBI-S), and the Smartphone Addiction Scale - Short Version (SAS-SV) for data collection. The (...)
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  10. Dimension of Big Five Personality and Resilience in Adolescents who are Pregnant Out of Wedlock.Ketrin Putri Djasmita & Arthur Huwae - 2023 - Psychocentrum Review 5 (3):132-144.
    Adolescents pregnancies out of wedlock have many negative impacts on adolescents. Among them are prolonged trauma, a crisis of self-confidence, getting various psychological shocks and the most influential on the personality of the adolescents themselves. Personality in adolescents who are pregnant out of wedlock can help adolescents to maintain resilience in dealing with various kinds of negative impacts due to pregnancy out of wedlock. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the relationship between the dimensions of the big five personality and (...)
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  11. Psychological Impact Analysis on Adolescents with Cyberchondria: a Literature Review.Henny Indreswari, Shabrina Muyassirotul 'Aliyah, Achmad Miftachul 'Ilmi & Khairul Bariyyah - 2023 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (3):367-376.
    The development of information and communication technology has led teenagers to use gadgets and the internet for prolonged periods of time. Besides being used as a means of entertainment and communication, teenagers nowadays tend to search for health information through the internet. However, some people are anxious about their health condition and begin to diagnose themselves or seek certainty on the internet. Excessive searching for health information on the internet can lead to cyberchondria, which is associated with fear and anxiety. (...)
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  12. The role of proactive personality on transformational leadership and innovative work behavior.Farhanah Murniasih - 2023 - Psychocentrum Review 5 (1):29-41.
    The industrial revolution 4.0 also requires the business world to move more dynamically and forces businessmen in the industry to move faster. The Covid-19 pandemic has also changed trends in the world of work, it is currently moving towards digitization and remote work. Therefore, workers are encouraged to continuously improve their skills and abilities in facing future challenges. One of the factors that can help companies to survive in this crisis is by innovating. The study aims to understand the effect (...)
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  13. Role of Work Engagement, Autonomy Support, Psychological Capital, and Economic Factors to Educator and Staff Well-being in the Philippines.Justin Vianey M. Embalsado, Beatriz C. Balilu, Mary Anne Joseph T. Montoya, Rachelle Louse C. Chavez, Olga Angelinetta P. Tulabut, Roger S. Mangalus, Cherry Lou M. De Ala, Abigail B. Gonzales & June R. De Leon - 2023 - Psychocentrum Review 5 (1):1-18.
    Educational institutions are transitioning their learning modalities to flexible learning from remote education; educators and staff continuously encounter ambiguous work demands that negatively affect their well-being. Literature indicates the influence of autonomy support, psychological capital, work engagement, and economic factors (i.e., financial preparedness and job insecurity) on well-being. We propose that social, psychological, work, and economic factors influence the well-being of university educators and staff. 315 employees voluntarily completed the autonomy support, work engagement, hope, self-efficacy, job insecurity, and financial preparedness (...)
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  14. Development of Science Teaching Materials Using the CTL Approach to Improve Self-Control of Elementary School Students.Muthyara Daryus & Firman Firman - 2023 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (3):357-366.
    This study aims to describe and develop science teaching materials using the CTL approach to improve self-control of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 21 Lubuk Lintah Padang which are valid, practical and effective. This type of research is development using a modified 4-D model. The results of this study are the average score of science teaching materials using the CTL approach with a validity value of 89.4% (valid). The results of practicality by the teacher obtained results of 87.5% (practical), (...)
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  15. Aplikasi Profiling Tes Psikologi Berbasis Website dalam Pendidikan.Andre Julius, Miki Wijana, Alfaiz Alfaiz & Azmatul Khairiyah Sari - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (3):346-356.
    This research aim to developing new application and program of psychological profiling testing. This based on need assessment about condition of pandemic that needed for psychological test in website based, for facilitate a testee for testing service. This research was a research and development and using Borg & Gall’s design with 9 phase such exploration study, literature review, arrangement of hypothetic, expert judgement, model revision, try out, analysis and revision, final model, diseminasion and socialization. This product using expert judgement and (...)
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  16. Wellness Counseling to Improve the Psychological Well-Being.Nurul Ashfiani, Amin Budiamin & Nandang Budiman - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (3):333-345.
    The changes in the learning system during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia affected the psychological well-being of students. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the wellness group counseling to improve students’ psychological well-being at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia. Psychological well-being in this research is defined as the functioning of individual psychological aspects as indicated by self-acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life and personal growth. This research uses (...)
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  17. The Validity and Reliability of Career Readiness Instruments for Vocational High School Students.Diajeng Retno Kinanti Putri, Mamat Supriatna & Eka Sakti Yudha - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (3):284-295.
    Career readiness is an important key that must be possessed by students before entering the business world/industrial world. In an effort to understand the level of student career readiness, a valid and reliable instrument is needed. So the purpose of this research is to test the validity and reliability of the instrument. This research uses a quantitative approach with instrument development and validation methods. The sample in this study was 344 Vocational High School students in the Province of East Java (...)
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  18. Classical Guidance Materials on Personal Students Based on INATBKBP Instrument Analysis.Hani Nurrofifah & Muh Farozin - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (3):307-319.
    Students need to be able to achieve optimal self-development so personal guidance delivered through classical guidance needs to be considered. However, the material for classical guidance in the personal field that is by the needs of students and can be used as a reference or basis for guidance and counseling teachers is still limited. This study aims to find the right material according to the students' needs for classical personal guidance. The population in this study amounted to 2635 students with (...)
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  19. Emotion Regulation and Dating Violence On Students That Go Through Toxic Relationship.Christine Marcellin Young & Arthur Huwae - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (3):257-267.
    Students who study in tertiary institutions are individuals who are starting to enter early adulthood. Dating is one of the important roles performed by individuals who are in the category of early adulthood. However, in a dating relationship, it is undeniable that various problems can arise. One of the problems that may arise is dating violence. It is common for dating violence in dating relationships to get individuals trapped in a toxic relationship. Various factors are considered the triggers of dating (...)
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  20. Problem Solving for Women Victims of Domestic Violence: Descriptive Analysis with JASP Based on Demographics.N. Cici Mahruliana, Hariyani Hariyani & Yuda Syahputra - 2020 - Psychocentrum Review 2 (2).
    Problem solving must be owned by everyone, because in life everyone must have a problem, for that the importance of improving problem solving skills. This study focuses on women who are victims of domestic violence. The effects of domestic violence are a matter of concern, because some victims prefer to be quiet rather than sharing family problems with others or counselors. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. Sampling uses a purposive sampling technique that is using certain criteria. (...)
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  21. Implementasi Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok Terhadap Kemampuan Adversity Quotient Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama.Alber Tigor Arifyanto, Dodi Priyatmo Silondae & Muhammad Akbar Abdi Darma - 2020 - Psychocentrum Review 2 (1).
    The objective of the research was to improve the students adversity quotient competence who have been studying at the eight graders of Public Junior High School. The students improvement in their adversity quotient competence was facilitated through group guidance service. This was pre-experimental research with one group pre-test and post test design. The subjects of the research were 9 students. The result of the study showed that, Before the students have been provided with group guidance service, the students pre-test average (...)
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  22. Drama Segitiga Karpman untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Diri Siswa terhadap Perilaku Bullying.Bashirudin Debipriamuda, Dany M. Handarini & M. Ramli - 2019 - Psychocentrum Review 1 (1).
    Bullying is one of the events that repeatedly arises in schools and associated to varies between individuals. One of the sources of bullying is the poor self-awareness held by students. Self-awareness is one of the students skill must acquire. However, in reality there are still many students who have poor self-awareness. This study tries to investigate the effectiveness of the Karpman Drama Triangle to build up students self-awareness using Quasi Experiment Design. The research subjects consisted of 15 junior high school (...)
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  23. Prestasi Belajar Siswa Ditinjau Dari Kecanduan Game Online dan Motivasi Belajar.Briti Nursita, Yansen Alberth Reba & Sirjon Sirjon - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (2).
    The low student achievement is indicated because it is influenced by the level of game online and students learning motivation. The purposes of this study are 1) to determine the effect of online game addiction and learning motivation on learning achievement. 2) what is the percentage of the effect of online game addiction and learning motivation on learning achievement. Amounted 132 students with a sample 100 students who were determined by taking Non-Probability Sampling with the Accidental Sampling technique. To collect (...)
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  24. What Career Success Means to Student's Perspective: A Qualitative Study.Amirul Hazmi Hamdan, Mamat Supriatna & Eka Sakti Yudha - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (2).
    Career success has different meanings for each level and condition of the person. Careers have a range at every level of life, from children, and adolescents, to adults. However, none of the studies reveals the meaning of career success at the adolescent level, such as students. Therefore, this study aims to understand the concept of career success from a student's perspective. What is the meaning of career success, and what are the characteristics of students who are successful in their careers. (...)
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  25. Gender Difference and The Predictive Role of Job Tension on Job Satisfaction Among Academic Staff in A Public University.Adekunle A. Kenku, Dare Azeez Fagbenro & Abolade M. Opatola - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (1).
    Studies have investigated antecedents of job satisfaction, however, little is known about the predictive role of job tension on job satisfaction as well as gender difference on job satisfaction among academic staff in Nigeria. Using job demands–resources model as a theoretical framework, this study examined job tension on job satisfaction among selected academic staff of Nasarawa State University, Keffi. Participants were 75 academic staff with a mean age of 42.11 recruited from six faculties in the university. Data were analyzed using (...)
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  26. The Resilience of Junior High School Students in the Online Learning.Herul Wahyudin, Nandang Rusmana & Nandang Budiman - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (1).
    This research was driven by the COVID-19 pandemic condition which caused face-to-face learning switched into learning from home or online. This raises various learning problems. To be able to deal with learning problems that arise from online learning, students need resilience. This implies that resilience is an important thing for students to have. The purpose of this study is to describe the resilience of students andexamine the differences between male and female students. The research design used a survey. The sample (...)
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  27. Socio-demographic Determinant of Money Script Pattern of Undergraduates of University of Lagos.Sylvester Ororume Atiri & Similoluwa Titilayo Bello - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (1).
    The study tried to determine the money script pattern of undergraduate students of the university of Lagos, with the aim of examining the influence of socio-demographic factors on their money script pattern. The study involved a cross-sectional survey of 385 undergraduates. One standardized psychological instrument; the Klontz-Money Script Inventory, was used to elicit data from the participants. The results show that sex had a significant influence on the money script pattern of two out of the four types of money scripts, (...)
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  28. Study on conscientiousness, academic self-efficacy and self-esteem predictive power on academic procrastination among counselling students.Ibiam Dike & Stephen Oluwaseun Emmanuel - 2019 - Psychocentrum Review 1 (2).
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the predictive effect of Conscientiousness, Academic Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem on Academic Procrastination among Counselling Students. Three hundred students studying Counselling in a College of Education in Nigeria, West Africa were selected through the simple random method and completed the measures of Conscientiousness, Academic Self-efficacy, Self-esteem, and Academic Procrastination. The result from the correlation matrix and hierarchical regression model shows that academic procrastination behavior of students is explained by conscientiousness, academic self-efficacy, and self-esteem. (...)
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  29. Dinamika Resiliensi pada Co-Founder Startup Generasi Milenial.Eva Rahman - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (1).
    . The formation of startup in Indonesia that sharply increase, have inspires milenial to do the same. But in its formation, there are various failures that must be faced. Startup co-founder who has multiple roles in the company, requires good resilience ability to faces problems. This study aims to determine the resilience dynamics of the millennials generation startup co-founder when facing the challenges in forming their startup. The qualitative-phenomenological approach was carried out through semi-structured in-depth interviews and observations, on 4 (...)
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  30. Kesejahteraan Psikologis Remaja Korban Body Shaming.Nurul Aisyah Sartika, Yusi Riksa Yustiana & Ipah Saripah - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (2).
    The purpose of the study was to describe the psychological well-being profile of adolescent victims of body shaming. The research method is descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach. The instrument uses Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale and body shaming questionnaire. The distribution of the questionnaire was carried out with the help of the Google Form application with a total of 30 respondents. 40% of respondents victims of body shaming indicate good enough psychological well-being, 26.67% of respondents indicate a good category, 26.67% (...)
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  31. Perencanaan Karir Siswa Ditinjau Dari Jenis Kelamin.Dwi Wahyanti & Sisca Folastri - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (1).
    Objective study to determine career planning of male and female students, as well as to determine whether there are differences in career planning between male and female students of class XI SMK Islam Wijaya Kusuma. Research method is quantitative approach with a comparative method. Data and data sources were students of class XI SMK Islam Wijaya Kusuma, totaling 120 students out of 156 students. This study uses career planning instrument. The data analysis technique used is t test. The results showed (...)
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  32. Minat Studi Lanjut ke Perguruan Tinggi Siswa Ditinjau dari Self-Efficacy dan Aspirasi Orangtua.Kemala Putri Kustiani, Dwi Yuwono Puji Sugiharto & Catharina Tri Anni - 2019 - Psychocentrum Review 1 (1):17-26.
    This study aims to determine that the relationship between self-efficacy and parents aspiration with the interest in advanced studies to college of students either partially or jointly. This research uses correlation quantitative design. The sample used amounted to 160 of the population of 283 students with random sampling technique. Data collection tools use self-efficacy scales, parent`s aspiration scales, and the interest in advanced studies to college scales. We using simple linear regression and multiple linear regression to data analyzed. The result (...)
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  33. Efektivitas Bimbingan Kelompok Teknik Modelling Simbolis untuk Meningkatkan Efikasi Diri Siswa IX SMP Negeri 3 Baubau.Rasman Sastra Wijaya, Unhaluddin Thalib Kurniawan & Risma Irmayana - 2020 - Psychocentrum Review 2 (1).
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of group counseling services for effective symbolic modeling techniques to improve the self-efficacy of class IX students of SMP Negeri 3 Baubau. The experimental design used in this study was a one-group pretest and posttest design. The population in this study were 72 class IX students of SMP Negeri 3 Baubau, totaling 72 people consisting of 3 classes. The sample in this study was grade IX students of SMP Negeri 3 (...)
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  34. How Psychological Well-Being during Covid-19 Pandemic in Faculty Teacher Training and Education Ahmad Dahlan University?Dody Hartanto, Caraka Putra Bhakti, Zaenab Amatillah Rodhiyya & Cucu Kurniasih - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (2).
    The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the learning process. Changes in interaction patterns in the learning process from face-to-face laerning to online learning affects the psychological well-being of students. This study aimed to determine the description of psychological well-being in students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University. For college students, a crucial psychological aspect is psychological well-being, which contributes to academic success and life. This article uses the method of literature study and survey by collecting data (...)
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  35. Pengaruh Relaxation Music Therapy (RMT) Pada Kecemasan Akademik.Akmal Sutja & Rully Andi Yaksa - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (1).
    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of relaxation music therapy to reduce academic anxiety before carrying out the final academic exam. The type of this research is Pre-Experiment with one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects in this study were 51 final year students preparing for their final academic examinations at Universitas Jambi, using purposive sampling. The instrument used was an anxiety scale. Data analysis used nonparametric statistical techniques using the Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test and the Rasch Model. The results show (...)
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  36. Keefektifan konseling kognitif behavioral dengan teknik restrukturisasi kognitif untuk meningkatkan endurance siswa.Khuzaimatul Jannah, Kadek Suranata & Ni Ketut Suarni - 2019 - Psychocentrum Review 1 (2).
    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral counseling with cognitive restructuring techniques to improve endurance of 1st grade students at SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja. This experimental study used the Pretest Posttest Control Group Design. The study population was students of 1st grade SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja. The research sample consisted of 54 students. Through random sampling, 23 students were placed in the experimental group and 31 students were the control group. Data collection in this study used a (...)
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  37. An Analysis of Junior High School Students' Learning Stress Levels during the COVID-19 Outbreak: Review of Gender Differences. [REVIEW]Safena Ningsih, Hengki Yandri, Nuzmi Sasferi & Dosi Juliawati - 2020 - Psychocentrum Review 2 (2).
    The spread of a COVID-19 pandemic has made restlessness, anxiety, stress even depression in society. It also encountered by the students who are undergoing an online learning process, the online learning systems with different learning weights than usual make students depressed and even stressed. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to reveal the level of Junior High School students' stress learning during the COVID-19 pandemic reviewed from gender differences. This research is a comparative quantitative study aimed to compare the (...)
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  38. Role Of Service Quality On Organizational Performance Among Telecommunication Employees In Southwestern States In Nigeria.Adeshina Akinwumi Ojo - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (2).
    The present study examined the role of service quality on organisational performance among telecommunication employees. A survey research design was used to conduct this study with a sample of 123 employees selected using a two-stage sampling technique in Lagos. Data collection was through a self-reported questionnaire that measured service quality and organisational performance. Results indicate that there exists a significant positive relationship between service quality and organizational productivity of the Nokia telephone company.service quality had significant joint influence on organizational productivity (...)
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  39. Regulasi diri, Peer support, Dan burnout pada mahasiswa difabel.Arthur Huwae & Maria Prima Novita - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (1).
    Digital-based learning problem, particularly during COVID-19 pandemic, has given both serious obstacles and risks to the student with disability. Under a rather limited self-sustaining capacity, often it inhibits each learning dynamic that are being held. This challenge will certainly affect the mental and physical health of the students. Hence, the effort requires adequate self-provision and environmental roles to facilitate the student with disability to surpass the obstacles. Therefore, this study aims to understand the correlation between self-regulation and peer support to (...)
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  40. The Impact of Cannabis Abuse on Psychotic Symptoms and Their Severity among Cannabis Associated Psychosis Subjects: An Indian Experience.Ramchandra Lamba, Sona Budaniya, Rajendera Kumar Acharya, Ram Kumar Solanki & Ashok Kumar - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (1).
    Use of cannabis for recreational, religious and cultures has been prevalent since ancient times. It is one of the commonest used illicit substance. While not all cannabis users develop psychiatric problems, heavy cannabis use may increase the risk of cognitive abnormalities, psychotic illness and mood disorders. This research aimed to evaluate severity of various psychotic symptoms in relation to variables of cannabis abuse. A cross sectional study of 30 male patients admitted at tertiary care psychiatric center with diagnosis of cannabis-associated (...)
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  41. Cinematherapy Meningkatkan Kendali Diri Mahasiswa.Solihatun Solihatun, Evi Fitriyanti & Melina Lestari - 2020 - Psychocentrum Review 2 (1).
    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of cinematherapy in improving student self-control. This research uses a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The sample of this study were 21 Unindra students. The self control instrument used is a Likert scale model. The results showed the percentage of Pre Test and post test showed that there were 4 students who had self-control in the excellent category of 19%. Furthermore, there are 17 students who have a good category (...))
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  42. How Quality of Work-life’s Mediating Effect of Compensation System on Teacher’s Organizational Commitment?Sulistiasih Sulistiasih & Widodo Widodo - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (2).
    This study analyzes the effect of compensation system on teachers’ organizational commitment mediating by quality of work-life. The research data was collected by a questionnaire through the survey methods toward 325 teachers of a private school in Indonesia. Data analysis uses path analysis supported by descriptive statistics and correlational. The results show that compensation system had a significant effect on teachers’ organizational commitment mediating by QWL. This study also was found a fit research model can discuss among researchers and practitioners (...)
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  43. Kemampuan Komunikasi Siswa Ditinjau dari Persepsi Siswa tentang Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok dan Keharmonisan Keluarga.Siti Taradita Wahyuningtiyas, Ninik Setyowani & Heru Mugiarso - 2019 - Psychocentrum Review 1 (1).
    This research designed to exploring interpersonal communication based on students perceptions of group guidance and the harmony of their family. This is correlational research using an ex post facto design. We managed a survey of 155 junior high school students. The results presented that there was a significant influence between students perceptions of group guidance services and students interpersonal communication skills; there was a significant influence between family harmony and interpersonal communication skills, and; there was a significant influence about group (...)
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  44. Dampak Covid-19 Terhadap Kebiasaan Bermain Gadget Pada Anak Usia Sekolah.Handoko Handoko - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (1).
    The corona virus which hits Indonesia brings about a great impact on education. The learning system that is usually carried out in a face-to-face interaction changes with an online system. The online learning system which requires children to use gadgets is quite to have a big impact on children's development. The former children’s habit who were not using gadgets began to change for reasons of learning. After learning is complete, children play gadgets. The resulting impact is a decrease in interest (...)
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  45. Being a Mother, Student, and Educator: Graduate Student-Mothers' Parenting Experience During COVID-19 Pandemic.Bewizta Maurilla Hasyyati & Retno Hanggarani Ninin - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (2).
    COVID-19 pandemic has been a life-changing experience in many families, affecting parents whose current responsibilities are not only being caregivers, but also educators to their children who are forced to learn from home. This situation deeply affects student mothers who have multiple roles at home, which are maintaining a postgraduate study, being housewives, and accompanying their children in online learning. This study aims to explore the lived experience of student mothers in parenting their school-age children during the pandemic, which is (...)
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  46. Pengembangan Komik Edukasi: Komikadp untuk Mengurangi Kekerasan dalam Pacaran.Eka Heriyani, Nurul Nurrachman & Cici Yulia - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (2).
    The purpose of this research is to develop Komikadp educational comics. This study uses the research, research and development 4D model. The subject of this research was an expert test by the UNTIRTA Guidance and Counseling lecturer, Mr. Arga Satrio Prabowo M, Pd. Field testing by all Muhammadiyah Junior High Schools throughout DKI Jakarta. Collecting data using interviews and assessment sheets consisting of a checklist for quantitative data and a description for qualitative data. After going through the define, design, develop (...)
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  47. Development and validation of computer induced distress and factors influencing technostress among ICT users.Ajibola Abdulrahamon Ishola, Chinwuche Chisom Obasi & Olugbenga Joseph Oluwole - 2019 - Psychocentrum Review 1 (2).
    The increased use of information computer technology across the Nigerian workplace have engendered the high incident of Techno stress or Computer Induced Distress in the work space. However, proper conceptualization and measurement of this phenomenon have not been done in the Nigerian context based on the review literature. This study develops and investigate the incidence of CID, and influence of expertise and education on CID among ICT users in organisations. The study is a cross sectional survey research design. Three hundred (...)
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  48. Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Permisif dengan Moral Tidak Baik Remaja dan Implikasinya terhadap Konseling Perorangan.Nurul Latifah & Evi Fitriyanti - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (1).
    The research objective was to determine the relathionship between permissive permissive parenting styles with bad moral behavior and the implications of individual counseling if there is a relathionship between permissive parenting styles with students bad moral behavior. The research method used is a correlational quantitative type with a survey approach. With a sampel size of 104 students. The questionnaire used is a likert scale wich contains 22 statement items for permissive parenting, and 11 statement for bad morals. Based on the (...)
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  49. Psychoeducation Webinar to Overcoming Stress in COVID-19 Survivors.Dhian Kusumastuti, Ika Yuniar Cahyanti, Endang Retno Surjaningrum & Ilham Nur Alfian - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (1).
    The COVID-19 pandemic had brought several negative impacts on various aspects of life, including causing stress. Stress during the pandemic afflicted all levels of society, including the COVID-19 survivor itself. One of the ways to deal with stress was the provision of psychoeducation. The provision of psychoeducation during the pandemic could be done online in the form of webinars. The effectiveness of the webinar activity was measured by analyzing the differences in the results of stress management knowledge levels and stress (...)
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  50. Social Support, Socio Demographic Factors and Elder Abuse: A Quantitative Study.Mobolaji Grace Olasupo, Mathew Olugbenga Olasupo & Dare Azeez Fagbenro - 2020 - Psychocentrum Review 2 (1).
    Elder abuse has continued to be a serious concern to many stakeholders in the world and Nigeria as reported by researchers, as well as various media platforms. It is from this fact that this present study examined the role of social support and socio demographic factors on elder abuse in Ile-Ife Osun state, Nigeria. Theory of social exchange provided the theoretical framework while a descriptive survey was adopted. Three hundred and ninety-two respondents were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Data (...)
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  51. Psychological Capital and Work Engagement: The Moderating Role of Age Diversity.Alice S. M. Gleichmann & Arum Etikariena - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (2).
    Work engagement to private sector workers during the Covid-19 pandemic has been stationary or experienced a decline. One of the antecedents of work engagement is personal resources construct. One derives personal resources construct is psychological capital based on the Job Demand Resources model. This research aims to prove the moderating role of age diversity to private sector workers in connection between psychological capital and work engagement referring to the theory of “Conservation of Resource”. This research involves 127 Jabodetabek employees that (...)
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  52. Layanan Penguasaan Konten dengan Teknik Symbolic Modelling untuk Meningkatkan Perilaku Prososial Siswa.Ana Rahmatun Khasanah, Eko Nusantoro & Maria Theresia Sri Hartati - 2019 - Psychocentrum Review 1 (1).
    Mastery content service is one of the guidance and counseling topic that is quite familiar in Indonesia to facilitate participants mastering a current series of competences. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of mastery content service using symbolic modeling techniques to foster the student’s pro-social behavior. This study used the experimental design via one group pre-test and post-test, and involved 35 junior high school students. We build some examples videos that demonstrate pro-social behavior as supplementary material (...)
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  53. Differences in Early Adult Anxiety during COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis Rasch Model.Meylia Sari - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (1).
    Since COVID-19 pandemic entered Indonesia, mental health experts have also investigated the increase in psychological problems, one of which is anxiety. The fear of being infected or unknowingly infecting other people is a major source of anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to describe the differences in early adult anxiety during COVID-19 in terms of gender. This study is a comparative study at the early adult development stage in Indonesia, obtained through random sampling. The sample of this study was (...)
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  54. Persepsi agentik individu untuk mencapai prestasi pribadi dalam aktivitas karir: riset pendahuluan.Alfaiz Alfaiz, Hengki Yandri, Yuzarion Yuzarion, Luh Putu Sri Lestari & Eka Heriyani - 2019 - Psychocentrum Review 1 (2).
    This research aim to observe and understanding a condition of employee’s individual agentic on pursue their achievement in career activities. Individual agentic was personal psychological condition and competence to planning, organize an action and reflection. It’s manifested in four aspects such intentional, forethought, self reactiveness and self reflection. This data was collected through quantitative descriptive method with 200 respondents, in this collection found 135 repondents has a low agentic perception and 65 respondents has high on agentic perception in career activities. (...)
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  55. Role Playing in an Effort to Reduce Academic Procrastination for College Students.Reizki Maharani, Neviyarni S. & Z. Mawardi Effendi - 2020 - Psychocentrum Review 2 (2).
    Academic procrastination can be defined as a person's tendency to delay activities related to academics. We can find procrastination at every level of education, especially in college. One of the causes of procrastination in students because college students have greater responsibilities and demands than before. This research analyzed the effectiveness of role playing in information services to reduce student academic procrastination by uses a quantitative methods. The type of this research is Quasi Experiment with The Non Equivalent Control Group Design. (...)
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  56. Crime thrillers Binge-Watching Behaviour: Association with Personality traits and Impulsivity.Rahul Gupta, Surender Kumar & Sanjay Gehlot - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (2):149-155.
    Due to negative consequences associated with binge _watching involving crime thrillers it has become a topic of scientific debate. It has been mediated by biopsychological parameters under the impact of cognitive and affective aspects. To determine the role of Personality traits and Impulsivity in individuals with Crime thrillers Binge-Watching Behaviour. The present cross sectional study has been done through online digital media. The study recruited 160 individuals with administration of information questionnaires to get their demographic details, pattern of crime thrillers (...)
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  57. Reduksi Keputusan Prokrastinasi Akademik Siswa melalui Teknik Pertanyaan Berskala dalam Konseling Ringkas Berfokus Solusi.Kharisma Gigih Kurniawan, Andi Mappiare at & Adi Atmoko - 2019 - Psychocentrum Review 1 (1).
    Academic procrastination is blocking on academic tasks. The students acted intentionally and often by waiting on initiating and finishing the tasks. In Solution-Focused Brief Counseling way, there is one approach namely scaling questions that can be apply to promoting reduce students behavior in deciding on academic procrastination. This research intends to figure out the difference level of academic procrastination between before and after therapy. This research using single subject design. We applying scaling questions technique and combine with Solution-Focused Brief Counseling (...)
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  58. Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok Dengan Teknik Kelompok Sebaya Terhadap Konsep Diri Sosial Remaja.Widya Kartika Sari & Winda Ade Ariani - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (1).
    The background of this study was the low social self-concept of adolescents in Al-Fida Orphanage Bengkulu. This research aims to determine the effect of group guidance services with peer group techniques on adolescent social self-concept. The research method used quasi-experimentation with non equivalen pre-test post-test control groups design. The study sample consisted of 20 adolescents divided into 10 expression groups and 10 control groups. Sampling techniques using purposive sampling. Data collection using self-concept questionnaires. The data were analyzed with the Mann (...)
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  59. PKM Kelompok Remaja SMPN 163 Jakarta dan UPBK Unindra: Penggunaan Art Therapy Sebagai Media Ekspresi Emosi.Evi Fitriyanti, Sisca Folastri & Ferry Ferry - 2020 - Psychocentrum Review 2 (1).
    Emotions are very supportive in the life of every individual, whether they are positive emotions or negative emotions. The importance of individuals managing emotions in life because someone who is emotionally capable will be able to know and handle their own feelings well, the ability to manage emotions is communicated precisely one of them through art therapy. This activity provides insights, knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes possessed by BK SMPN 163 Jakarta teachers and UNINDRA UPBK Students in providing useful services (...)
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  60. Studi Kasus: Dinamika Gangguan Psikologis dan Fisik Yang Dialami Pria Pengurus Desa Adat Bali.Kadek Isma Melandari & Taufik Akbar Rizqi Yunanto - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (2):238-249.
    Hipertension is dangerous disease that can take the life of the sufferer. Killing sufferers event without symptoms warns everyone to maintain physical health and also mental health. One of the factors that cause hypertension is stress. Including the figures or administrators of the Balinese Traditional Village. The workload is quite heavy and also voluntary is a source of its own stressor. This Study aims to determine the psychological dynamic that occur in traditional leaders so that it can affected their medical (...)
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  61. Cognitive Distortion While Attending Online Class: Study on Banjar College Student.Rudi Haryadi, Aminah Aminah & Sri Ayatina Hayati - 2022 - Psychocentrum Review 4 (2).
    Online learning has begun to take place in Indonesia since March 2020 simultaneously in all educational institutions due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 outbreak. Sudden changes make it difficult for students to process information and lead to various patterns of thinking errors which are known as cognitive distortions. This study aims to reveal the patterns of cognitive distortions that students have during the online lectures. The research design used is a phenomenological qualitative design. Analysis of cognitive distortions was collected (...)
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  62. The Influence of Psychological Impact of Online Learning during Covid-19 on Student’s Academic Achievement: A Case Study at Vocational Higher Education.Hutomo Atman Maulana - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (1).
    This study aimed to determine the influence of psychological impact that consist of depression, anxiety, and stress in students due to online learning in vocational higher education conducted during the Corona virus disease 2019 on student’s academic achievement. The samples in this study were 180 students of the Undergraduate Program Department of Commercial Administration of Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis. The Samples were taken using the purposive sampling technique focused solely on students who gained online learning in theory and practice courses since (...)
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  63. Teknik bibliokonseling sebagai treatment untuk meningkatkan empati siswa.Rizki Ariska, Khairul Bariyyah & Eva Kartika Wulan Sari - 2019 - Psychocentrum Review 1 (2).
    This research aims to: 1) to know level of student empathy before the application of bibliokonseling techniques, 2) to know level of student empathy after the application of bibliokonseling techniques and 3) to know effectiveness from bibliocounseling techniques. This research using the experimental method with design of one group pretest-posttest designs type pre-experimental research, research samples amounted to 5 students who were netted using purposive sampling techniques. This research instrument is an empathy scale. Data analysis using Wilcoxon non parametric test (...)
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  64. Penyesuaian Diri Akademik Mahasiswa Ditinjau dari Regulasi Emosi dan Self-Esteem.Feny Mandoa, Habel Saud & Yansen Alberth Reba - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (1).
    This study aims to analyze the effect of Emotional Regulation and Self-esteem on Academic Self-Adjustment. The method used is quantitative correlational. This research was conducted in the counseling study program in January-February 2021. The population of this study were students of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program at Cenderawasih University Class of 2016,2017,2018,2019 and 2020 with a total of 115 students. Based on the Slovin formula, 89 samples were obtained using the Proportionate Stratified technique. Random Sampling. The data collection technique (...)
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  65. Pelatihan Resiliensi Untuk Menurunkan Perceived Stress Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19.Marina Pristiarawati, Alvina Prameswari & Hartanti Hartanti - 2021 - Psychocentrum Review 3 (2).
    The COVID-19 pandemic that its first case in Indonesia found in March 2020 urged society to adapt to a new lifestyle. Offline meetings were restricted to avoid the transmission of COVID-19, therefore, online meetings have become a new lifestyle presently. This process of adapting to online’s lifestyle happens universally in such workplaces and educational institutions of kindergartens to colleges. This sudden adaptation makes society experience some pressure which also affects an individual’s stress and wellbeing. Teachers at one of the special (...)
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