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Sets used:
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM2070-2614 Constitutional law. Constitutional principles of the Jewish community : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVU1-499 Nauru : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3124-3125 Birth control. Family planning : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3000-3036.5 Police and public safety : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU26.8-41.5 Official acts of the Holy See : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR3500-3774 Penal (Criminal) law. De lege poenali : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR2310-3026 Constitution of the Church : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD3489-4406 Peaceful uses of outer space: KZD4030-4326 Public order in space and outer space: KZD(4301)-4310 Space communication : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZA1002-(4205) Law of the sea: KZA1340-1417 Concepts and principles : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR122-124 Collective biography of canonists or jurists : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: K1-7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence: K(176)-(177) Collected works (nonserial) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVS501-990 Micronesia (Federated States) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVS2501-2999 Midway Islands : partial
- [0] Subject = P Language and Literature: PK1-(9601) Indo-Iranian philology and literature: PK(2901)-5471 Indo-Aryan literature : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVP1001-1099 German New Guinea (to 1914) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU3184-3256 Other acts of divine worship. De ceteris actibus Cultus Divini : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU136-148 Societies. Associations. Academies, etc : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU2160-2204 Canonical jurisprudence. Theory and science of canon law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR127-129.5 Trials : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KE Law of Canada: KEZ1-9999 Individual cities, A-Z : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZA1002-(4205) Law of the sea: KZA(3481)-(3900) Marine resources conservation and development : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU195-1565 Collections. Compilations. Selections : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3526-3695 Public finance : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM524.32-.34 Methodology of law development : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3515-3519 Professions : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD3489-4406 Peaceful uses of outer space : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU2-19 Bibliography : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KB1-4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence: KB90.A-Z Encyclopedias. Law dictionaries. Terms and phrases. Vocabularies. By author or title, A-Z : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVW1-490 New Caledonia : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU3075-3165 Sacraments. Administration of sacraments. De sacramentis et administratione : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR2207 Law reform and policies. Criticism : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KF Law of the United States : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR42-54.5 Decisions of ecclesiastical tribunals and courts, and related materials : partial
- [0] Subject = M Music and Books on Music: ML Literature of music : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD1340-1400 Concepts and principles. Theory: KZD1390-1400 Regulated use theory : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : Halakah : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KDZ1-4999 America. North America: KDZ3001-3499 Greenland : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVU1001-1099 Netherlands New Guinea (to 1963) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR2205-2206.3 Influence of other legal systems on Canon law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU22 Monographic series : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVL1-489 Cook Islands : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM636.3 Gifts. Charitable gifts. Donations : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR3320-3460 Church property. Church economics and finance Administration : partial
- [0] Subject = A General Works: AZ(20)-999 History of Scholarship The Humanities : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR100.A-Z Proverbia. Legal maxims. Brocardica juris. Regulae juris : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR130-132 Legal research. Legal bibliography. Methods of bibliographic research : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KDZ1-4999 America. North America: KDZ2001-2499.2 Bermuda : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM523.8 Bibliography : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD5614-6715 Un-peaceful uses of outer space: KZD5620-5622.2 Treaties and other international agreements : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3137-3183 Cultural affairs : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU21 Annuals. Annuaires. Yearbooks : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3127-3134 Environmental law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD3489-4406 Peaceful uses of outer space: KZD4030-4326 Public order in space and outer space : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU149 Academies. Institutes : partial
- [0] Subject = P Language and Literature : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZ2-6795 Law of nations: KZ(1319)-(1327) International legal regimes : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR74-83 Auxiliary sciences : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3709-3729 Measures in time of war, national emergency, or economic crisis : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR3780-3983 Judiciary. Ecclesiastical courts and procedure. De processibus : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZA1002-(4205) Law of the sea: KZA1430-1690 Maritime boundaries: KZA1630-1664 Continental shelf : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR190-2154.5 Sources : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU133 Legal education. Study and teaching : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM524.36 Influence of other legal systems on Jewish law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KF Law of the United States: KFX1-9999 Individual cities, A-Z : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD3489-4406 Peaceful uses of outer space: KZD4440-4406 Liability for accidents : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZ2-6795 Law of nations: KZ(63)-1152 Sources. Fontes juris gentium : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3075-3097 Public health : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: Regional comparative and uniform law: KVB1-999 Australia and New Zealand : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU3780-3985 Courts and procedure. De processibus : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU2205-2206 Influence of other legal systems on canon law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZ2-6795 Law of nations: KZ3900-(5490) The international legal community and members: KZ3910-(5490) Subjects of the law of nations: KZ4850-(5490) Intergovernmental organizations. IGOs: KZ(5330)-(5490) Regional organizations : partial
- [0] Subject = G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: G1000-3122 Atlases: G1100-3102 By region or country: G1780-2799 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc.: G1791-2196 Europe: G2110-2196 Former Soviet republics. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.). Russia (Empire) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVH1-490 American Samoa : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU180.A-Z Works on diverse aspects of a particular subject and falling within several branches of the law. By subject, A-Z : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU2207 Law reform and policies. Criticism : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR133-134 Legal education. Study and teaching : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3440-3504.5 Transportation and communication : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM524.12-524.26 The concept of Jewish law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KB1-4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence: KB70.A-Z Monographic series. By title, A-Z : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU3180-3182 Sacramentals. Sacramentalia : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU3282-3310 Medical ethics and legislation. Church policy : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM632-636.2 Inheritance and succession : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM524 General works : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR2224-2295 Ius ecclesiasticum privatum : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR105.A-Z Formularies. Clauses and forms. Formularia : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU56 Encyclopedias : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM524.42 Private law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU4112-4820 Local Church government : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU2208.A-Z Concepts applying to several branches of the law, A-Z : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM531-619 Domestic relations. Family law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: K1-7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence: K(179) Addresses, essays, lectures : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: K1-7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence: K(175) Congresses : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR3040-3070 The teaching office of the church. Magisterium. De ecclesiae munere docendi : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZA1002-(4205) Law of the sea: KZA4130-(4205) Public order of the oceans : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU102 Form books. Clauses and forms : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3190-3436 Economic law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU127-129.5 Trials : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU2310-3026 Constitution of the Church : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD1420-1455 Boundaries : partial
- [0] Subject = C Auxiliary Sciences of History: CN Inscriptions. Epigraphy. : complete
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU150 Conferences. Symposia : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR150 Conferences. Symposia : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR22 Monographic series : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR160 General works : partial
- [0] Subject = P Language and Literature: PK1-(9601) Indo-Iranian philology and literature: PK(2901)-5471 Indo-Aryan literature: PK(4501)-4681 Pali literature : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR2155-2157 Canon law and other disciplines or subjects : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVH1001-1499 British New Guinea (Territory of Papua) : partial
- [0] Subject = J Political Science: JC Political theory : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZA1002-(4205) Law of the sea: KZA1118-1122 Treaties and other international agreements : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR2160-2204.5 Canonical jurisprudence. Canonical science : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD5614-6715 Un-peaceful uses of outer space : partial
- [0] Subject = J Political Science: JA Political science (General) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD1340-1400 Concepts and principles. Theory : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVN1-490 Fiji : partial
- [0] Subject = D History General and Old World: D History (General) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : Halakah: KBM523.72 Hoshen mishpat law (General) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR3264-3280 Social work of the Church. Public welfare. Caritas : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KL Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica: Eurasia: KLD1-490 Armenian S.S.R. (to 1991) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU3040-3070 The teaching office of the Church. Magisterium. De ecclesiae munere docendi : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU2155-2157 Canon law and other disciplines or subjects : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KB1-4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence: KB100.A-Z Proverbia. Legal maxims. Brocardica juris. Regulae juris. By author or title, A-Z : partial
- [0] Subject = J Political Science: JZ International relations : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KDZ1-4999 America. North America: KDZ1101-1199 Organization of American States (OAS) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZA1002-(4205) Law of the sea: KZA1040-1065 Intergovernmental congresses and conferences : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3098-3122 Medical legislation : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZA1002-(4205) Law of the sea: KZA1340-1417 Concepts and principles: KZA1348-1405 Mare liberum doctrine : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU64 Directories : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KF Law of the United States: KFZ1801-2399 Northwest Territory : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM523.9 Legal education. Study and teaching : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZA1002-(4205) Law of the sea: KZA1340-1417 Concepts and principles: KZA1340 Mare clausum doctrine : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZA1002-(4205) Law of the sea : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: K1-7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence: K(520)-5582 Comparative law. International uniform law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM524.3 Sources of Jewish law (Mishpat Ivri) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR136-148 Societies. Associations. Academies, etc. : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM639-1424 Dinei mamonot : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KDZ1-4999 America. North America : partial
- [0] Subject = D History General and Old World : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR2-19 Bibliography : partial
- [0] Subject = C Auxiliary Sciences of History: CB History of civilization : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD1118-1122 Treaties and other international agreements : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM524.43 Conflict of laws. Plurality of laws conflict : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD5614-6715 Un-peaceful uses of outer space: KZD5648-5680.2 Disarmament and demilitarization regimes in outer space : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD3489-4406 Peaceful uses of outer space: KZD4320.2-4326 Rescue operations in outer space : partial
- [0] Subject = G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: G3180-9980 Maps: G3290-9880 By region or country: G5670-8904 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc.: G5700-7342 Europe: G7000-7342 Former Soviet republics. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.). Russia (Empire) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU3500-3774 Sanctions in the Church. Criminal law. De sanctionibus in Ecclesia. De lege poenali : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : Halakah: KBM523.6 Even ha-ezer law (General) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU130-132 Legal research. Legal bibliography. Methods of bibliographic research : partial
- [0] Subject = P Language and Literature: PK1-(9601) Indo-Iranian philology and literature: PK(2901)-5471 Indo-Aryan literature: PK(2901)-2979 General : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZA1002-(4205) Law of the sea: KZA1430-1690 Maritime boundaries : partial
- [0] Subject = B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KL Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica: Eurasia: KLN1-489 Russian S.F.S.R. (to 1991) : partial
- [0] Subject = A General Works: AY10-2001 Yearbooks. Almanacs. Directories: AY2001 Directories. General works on the compilation of directories, etc. Class directories by subject in B-Z : partial
- [0] Subject = G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: G1000-3122 Atlases: G3122 Atlases of imaginary, literary, and mythological regions, etc., A-Z : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM1468-1547 Social laws and legislation : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions : partial
- [0] Subject = J Political Science: JK Political institutions (United States) : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU2215-2308 General norms and principles. De normis generalibus : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM524.6-530 Persons : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3738-3785 Community defense. Military law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR3180-3182 Sacramentals. Sacramentalia : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KF Law of the United States: KFZ8601-9199 Confederate States of America : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU2210-2212 The codes of canon law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR56 Encyclopedias. Law dictionaries. Terms and phrases. Vocabularia : partial
- [0] Subject = H Social Sciences : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR2208.A-Z General concepts and principles, A-Z : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3790-4855 Criminal law and procedure : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR4000-4090 Church and state relationships. De relationibus inter ecclesiam et status. Ius publicum ecclesiae : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU3320-3460 Church property. Church economics and finance : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR27-41.7 Official acts of the Holy See : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR21 Annuals. Annuaires. Yearbooks : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM3040.5-3073 Public property. Communal property. Restraints on private property : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD3489-4406 Peaceful uses of outer space: KZD3489.5-3608 Space resources : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU3264-3280 Social work of the Church. Public welfare. Caritas : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZA1002-(4205) Law of the sea: KZA(3481)-(3900) Marine resources conservation and development: KZA(3891)-(3900) High-seas fisheries and fisheries regimes : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: K1-7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence: K(64) Yearbooks : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVR1-490 Kiribati : partial
- [0] Subject = C Auxiliary Sciences of History: CC Archaeology : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR3077-3165 Sacraments. Administration of sacraments. De sacramentis et administratione : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU42-54.5 Decisions of ecclesiastical tribunals and courts, and related materials : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD3489-4406 Peaceful uses of outer space: KZD4030-4326 Public order in space and outer space: KZD4080-4210 Space flight : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM2970 Civil service. Employees of communal agencies : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR3264-3280 Social work of the Church. Public welfare. Caritas : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVM1-489 Easter Island : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM524.4.A-Z Concepts applying to several branches of the law, A-Z : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVE200-349 Regional organization and integration : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD1040-1065 Intergovernmental congresses and conferences : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVP1-100 French Polynesia : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: Regional comparative and uniform law: KVC1-999 Other Pacific area jurisdictions : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZ2-6795 Law of nations: KZ3900-(5490) The international legal community and members: KZ3910-(5490) Subjects of the law of nations: KZ4850-(5490) Intergovernmental organizations. IGOs: KZ(4935)-5275 The United Nations : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU160 General works : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM2000-2024 Public law. The state and the Jewish community. Kehillah : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KDZ1-4999 America. North America: KDZ4001-4499 St. Pierre and Miquelon : partial
- [0] Subject = G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: GBGB3-5030 Physical geography : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM523.82 Monographic series : partial
- [0] Subject = G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation : partial
- [0] Subject = N Fine Arts : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVS1-490 Marshall Islands : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU25-26 Official gazette of the Holy See : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space: KZD1410 The source of the law of space : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR64 Directories : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM1572-1942 Courts and procedure : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU56.5 Dictionaries. Terms and phrases. Vocabularies : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM622-628.5 Guardian and ward. Apotropos : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: Regional comparative and uniform law : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZ2-6795 Law of nations: KZ(60)-62.5 Intergovernmental congresses and conferences : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KZD1002-6715 Space law. Law of outer space : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBR2-4090 History of canon law: KBR3184-3256 Other acts of divine worship. De ceteris actibus Cultus Divini : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBU2-4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See: KBU4000-4097 Church and state relationships. De relationibus inter ecclesiam et status. Ius publicum ecclesiae : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KWA1-489 Niue: Pacific area jurisdictions: KVQ1-490 Guam : partial
- [0] Subject = K Law: KBM1-4855 Jewish law. Halakah : KBM523.8-4855 Mishpat Ivri: KBM2711-2840 Administrative law and process of communal agencies : partial
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