OAI Archive: Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert

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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert"

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  1. Resonaciones: sounds vibrating sympathetically into time and space.Carolina Arévalo & Bettina Korintenberg - unknown
    This article unfolds the research and exhibition project Resonaciones. An Embrace to Awake, that originates from an encounter with ancient whistling vessels from the Moche culture from the collection of the Ethnological Museum Stuttgart (Linden Museum). Different forms of knowledge and practices from sound art, new materialism, quantum physics and indigenous philosophies connect within the experiential and experimental setting of the exhibition space. Thus, the potential of curatorial and artistic practice is revealed in forging connections and relations and opening up (...)
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  2. The difficulty of ethical application in Small Business Marketing as regards the digital customer.Sergio Sánchez Díaz - unknown
    Marketing has evolved since the 1960s from a product perspective to a consumer perspective, with companies now using marketing to be more sociable, credible, and trustworthy. The academic study and application of ethics in marketing processes has been the subject of study since the very beginnings of marketing itself. But most theories of ethics in marketing have focused on large companies or business corporations. Small companies have mostly tried to adopt the marketing processes and actions of large companies, and this (...)
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  3. Movement-colour: moments in a deep time media epistemology.Benoît Turquety - unknown
    Color and movement present themselves as deeply different phenomena, yet an epistemological history of their concepts reveals how entangled they have been within the Western episteme. This appears not only in scientific or philosophical texts but also, and primarily, in the way specific devices, works of art, media and experimental protocols have been conceived and developed throughout history. This article proposes a deep time media epistemology based on the analysis of a few nodal apparatuses mobilizing both movement and color: Isaac (...)
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  4. Nietzsche’s Tragic Philosophy on God’s Murder as Anthropology.Juan Manuel Escamilla González Aragón - unknown
    Nietzsche put Jesus’ historical crucifixion at the center of philosophy to exile the notion of a transcendent God from philosophy. Discarding theology as metaphysics and replacing it with an anthropology of how human persons become divinized, Nietzsche contributed to unearthing the scapegoating mechanism as a god-making device at the center of human culture. Nietzsche’s focus on the murder of God, rather than Their death, suggested Girard’s martyrdom’s crucial role in the foundation and the preservation of culture. Following Girard, I read (...)
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  5. Henri Bergson i el nou materialisme.Adam Lovasz - unknown
    Henri Bergson’s Matter and Memorypresents a panpsychist ontology. Bergson pushes the dualism of mind and matter to breaking point. Matter is reconceived as the sum of all images. Idealism and deterministic materialism are bypassed. We get an indeterministic and emancipative model of the world. The idea that matter is inherently creative and endowed with both perception and memory is highly relevant today. Materiality, far from being dead or passive, is equipped with agency. Bergson’s themes coincide with the concerns of contemporary (...)
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  6. Notes for a logic of evidence in law.Pablo Navarro & José L. Rodríguez - unknown
    Despite the current theoretical developments regarding the proof of facts in law, it is still an open problem to offer an adequate reconstruction of a logic of evidence. This paper presents some preliminary ideas for such a reconstruction. Starting from the assumption that the produc-tion and evaluation of certain evidence in a legal process has already been completed, it examines which candidates would be suitable as basic principles for a logic of evidence. The similarities and differences of the resulting system (...)
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  7. The Third (included) in the interdependence between the human and the social.Pierpaolo Donati - 2022 - Digithum 29:1-11.
    The article argues that most of today’s social theories tend to look at social phenomena in ways that lead to a conflation of what is human and what is social, or to disconnect one from the other. They remove the Third as an emerging effect (therefore included) of social relationality which is generated not only by the contributions of the terms of the relations but by a plus which is the reciprocity effect of the relation itself. In this way, the (...)
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  8. Knowledge control as a form of social control. From hermeneutical injustice to epistemology of resistance.Gaia Ballatori - 2022 - Astrolabio 26:47-62.
    The existence of otherness as a social category is the result of a specific configuration of power relations. One way to maintain this configuration and exert control over subjectivities defined as "others" is to exclude them from participation in the production of knowledge, depriving them ofthe resources to understand themselves and the world and the words to describe their social experience. In this sense, the epistemic injustice, produced by exclusion from the system of knowledge production, constitutes a powerful instrument to (...)
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  9. Contending Philosophical Foundation in International Wildlife Law: A Discourse Analysis of CITES and the Bern Convention.David Rodríguez Goyes - 2021 - Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental 12 (1).
    Most analyses of international wildlife law focus on the specifics of implementing particular policies, while there is less engagement with the fundamental philosophies underpinning international conventions. In this article, I argue that a philosophical analysis can achieve a deeper understanding of IWL by helping to identify, assess and compare worldviews reflected in these instruments. Additionally, a philosophical analysis can make visible how international wildlife conventions shape human perceptions of and attitudes towards nature. Based on these premises, I subject two international (...)
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  10. Memoria de la Violencia, el Perdón y el Amor: Una Aproximación Filosófica.Juan Manuel Jiménez Robles - unknown
    The memory of a violent past and forgiveness become intertwined when seeking to heal that past, as forgiveness is presented as a redemptive and transforming element, capable of putting an end to spirals of violence. For this purpose, the past must be remembered correctly, truthfully and impartially, so that the present can be healed and the future filled with possibilities. Faced with the temptation of revenge, it is necessary to foster a love from the place in which one decides to (...)
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  11. The monstrosity of the Other. Slavoj Žižek and the criticism of Western conceptions of otherness.Jorge León Casero - 2021 - Comprendre: Revista Catalana de Filosofia 23 (1).
    During the second half of the 20th century, two theories of the Other have been developed that seek to overcome the nationalist conception that identifies it with an element outside the community, and whose existence it threatens: tolerant liberal multiculturalism and Lévinas’ and Derrida’s ethics of difference. According to Slavoj Žižek, the first notion operates as the other side of a nationalist libidinal logic and the second implies an understanding of the other incapable of subverting the symbolic authority that defines (...)
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  12. The ‘way of flowers’ and the care of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Japan.Yukiko Himeno, Osamu Inoue & Fernando Vidal - 2020 - Arxiu D’Etnografia de Catalunya 21:27-68.
    Tracheostomy with invasive ventilation may be required for the survival of patients at advanced stages of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In Japan it has been shown that a proactive approach toward TIV may prolong the survival of ALS patients by over 10 years by preventing the lethal respiratory failure that generally occurs within 3-5 years of the onset of the disease. Measures to prolong life expectancy without foregoing quality of life have produced better results in Japan than in other developed countries. (...)
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  13. The idea of participating in writing the rules of Catalan league biddy basketball: conceptual analysis and pedagogical proposal.Mauro Valenciano Oller - 2019 - Temps D’Educació 57.
    There is currently a trend to see the rewriting of sports rulebooks as almost the only way to remedy perceived imperfections in the youth sport system. The trend can be seen in many sports programmes and has generated heated debate. The article adds to the debate by analysing a proposal to review the Catalan Basketball Federation’s regulations for biddy basketball, and it puts forward a pedagogical proposal comprising two objectives: to identify the aspects that define the idea of participating in (...)
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  14. The Tragi-Comic Lives of Theory: Values of a Simmelian Existence.Thomas Kemple - 2019 - Digithum 24.
    The philosopher and sociologist Georg Simmel made repeated efforts throughout his career to address the crisis of modern culture by drawing on a wide repertoire of scholarly discourses and imaginative fictions. An overlooked and unique feature of his early works include humorous vignettes and free-verse poems in pseudonymous pieces published in the avant-garde journal Jugend. In later writings, he advances his own life-philosophy through an idiosyncratic use of Goethe’s scientific, autobiographical, and literary works in an attempt to articulate what is (...)
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  15. The Politics of Social Suffering: Introduction to the Special Section.Mariana Teixeira & Arthur Bueno - 2019 - Digithum 23.
    Social suffering has become in the past decades a key topic in various disciplines of the humanities, leading to a number of debates on its status within social analysis and normative philosophy. Problems of this sort are especially relevant in view of the fact that experiences of suffering have become a central figure of political life in many parts of the globe. This introduction provides an overview of these discussions and presents the articles included in this special issue.
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