OAI Archive: DSpace at the EUI

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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "DSpace at the EUI"

This set has the following status: partial.
  1. On Acting and Knowing.Jörg Friedrichs & Friedrich Kratochwil - unknown
    This article moves from deconstruction to reconstruction in epistemology and research methodology. To begin with, we show why many social scientists are mistaken in their hope to obtain warranted knowledge in practical matters through standard social scientific methodologies. We do so by subjecting two versions of the belief in traditional epistemological projects to critical scrutiny. First, we discuss Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, which for centuries provided the most developed epistemological approach. Second, we critically reflect upon the “unity of science” (...)
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  2. Community after totalitarianism. The Eastern Orthodox intellectual tradition and the philosophical discourse of political modernity.Kristina Stoeckl - 2008 - Peter Lang International.
    Starting with a definition of political modernity from the angle of its greatest trial, namely totalitarianism, this study pursues two questions: How to conceptualize community after the experience of totalitarianism? And, what can the Eastern Orthodox intellectual tradition contribute to this debate? In both parts of Europe, totalitarianism raised the same political philosophical challenge: How to conceptualize the relationship between the individual and community in the light of the absolute communization of society and the simultaneous absolute atomization of individuals which (...)
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  3. From Where Can War be Thought?Gianluigi Palombella - unknown
    What is the importance of the perspective “from which” war is seen and studied? what consequences derive from its changing (e.g. thanks to legal rules and social institutions)?. The perspective question can be instantiated by the modern dichotomy state of nature-civil society, and beyond war it is extensible to related concepts like “security”. When war is conceived as the authentic ontology of States’ relations, peace is an “empty” space incapable to offer any standpoint. The last decades developments show the “new” (...)
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  4. Reasons for Justice, Rights and Future Generations.Gianluigi Palombella - unknown
    This article focuses on some very “fundamental threats” to future generations’ leaving, and considers whether most essential interests of future persons not to be harmed can be construed as rights, and in particular as human rights, as much as present persons’. The framework refers essentially to a conceptual grammar of justice. Moreover, it is suggested to articulate rights through the lens of “disposability” and “non-disposability” principles. Finally, the article shows the reasons for separating what we owe to future persons under (...)
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